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  1. Noite Escura

    We're all gonna DIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

    Geez I forgot to look for it in the sky last night, *smacks self*
  2. Noite Escura

    We're all gonna DIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

    Uh oh! We best start fucking like bunnies then...
  3. Noite Escura

    Someone pass the 211

    I'm taking care of my health, yes I am
  4. Noite Escura


    I still can remember that day clearly in my memory. Sometimes my mind still tries to refuse believing it happened...
  5. Noite Escura

    Could it be?

    I'm in the same boat as you. Still waiting for my boss to bring the case I requested. I'm thinking about cancelling by now :mad:
  6. Noite Escura

    Bappy Hirthday...

    Darling I love you! Wish you all the good in the world :hbd:
  7. Noite Escura

    I can only see 1 page of threads?

    Got it, you must go to the Show Thrads box below the New Thread Buttom and switch it to Show last year or something... Then it will show you indexes(?) where people said it would...
  8. Noite Escura

    I can only see 1 page of threads?

    Me too. I guess it doesn't show on Ice Cool theme?
  9. Noite Escura

    Could it be?

    Now where the hell is my damn new comp case! :mad:
  10. Noite Escura

    Could it be?

    I need a new PC. Quick!
  11. Noite Escura


    I'm running avast! up-to-date at home. Best thing I ever did was to instal Zone Alarm on that puter. Been running free of pests for a while now.
  12. Noite Escura

    Did giants exist?

    Look, you two never hooked up together(GF and H)? I want to know why.
  13. Noite Escura

    nVidia brings SLI back

  14. Noite Escura

    Did giants exist?

    She's not talking about belly either, Willys :lol:
  15. Noite Escura

    nVidia brings SLI back

    I didn't notice before it used 4 slots :eek: Huge Sander set up Hardware Analysis as soon as he got the boot of HWC. It seems that Duckman is no longer on his staff though...
  16. Noite Escura

    nVidia brings SLI back
  17. Noite Escura

    Did giants exist?

    I'm 6'3" tall, do I qualify? :brow:
  18. Noite Escura

    Did giants exist? :eek3:
  19. Noite Escura

    Doom 3 release date

    Shit, I'm still waiting for Duke Nukem Forever :mad:
  20. Noite Escura


    You oK Huge?