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  1. HomeLAN

    Floppy Drives?

    While it's a growing trend that new PC's ship without a floppy drive, they're still making them.
  2. HomeLAN

    Would anyone be interested in me setting up a game server?

    Very nice! I run a Sapphire, and have been impressed.
  3. HomeLAN

    XP 64-bit launched

    It's a freebie if you bought a machine between late 03 and early 05 with XP pro preinstalled. They'll do a license swap straight-up, buit you will have to reformat the drive. Linkage
  4. HomeLAN

    Cancer sucks

    Sorry to hear it, Noite. My thoughts are with you.
  5. HomeLAN


    You may have to call them to get the settings - they REALLY want you to install their shit sometimes. If you know the DSL provider, it may be worth your while to hit their website and print out all that stuff (if available) before you go.
  6. HomeLAN


    Is this one computer, one connection or do you have to network more than one? If it's just one, set up the modem drivers ONLY and manually set the protocols. Most of the bells and whistles it wants to auto install merely suck system resources and, in some cases, piggyback spyware or malware.
  7. HomeLAN


    I kept an external 56k modem for just that reason.
  8. HomeLAN

    Cookie Monster is a sellout whore

    I'll have to look for that episode. I'ts not that often you see a senator making an ass of himself without votes being directly involved.
  9. HomeLAN


    It should. If it doesn't, what the hell. You're not out any extra money, just the time to go back and buy another one.
  10. HomeLAN

    I need this alarm clock!

    Oh, I'd find the little bastard, alright. I'd have the 6 pound sledge when I did, though. Night-night, Clocky.
  11. HomeLAN


    Yeah. You should be able to pick it up through a wireless LAN card set for DHCP. The access points I've dealt with have had an additonal RJ45 to plug in a wired PC for configuration, but you may not need that if your wireless NIC is set right. Unfortunately, Linksys's FTP server keeps timing...
  12. HomeLAN


    I thought an access point was more like a router and a repeater was basically a signal booster. My impression was that "access point" = wireless router.
  13. HomeLAN

    So who's got a PSP?

    Ah. Sorry. If it ain't PC crack, it's not my crack.
  14. HomeLAN


    And if you believe that, friend.....
  15. HomeLAN

    So who's got a PSP?

    A what? Explain, please.
  16. HomeLAN

    Nice law enforcement you got down there Homey/Unc

    Yeah, they found the car they'd been alerting on for 16 hours in the garage where it'd been stolen. Way to go, guys. He whacked a customs agent this AM, so I'm sure the US attorney will want him. I'm not so sure it's a bad idea. It's just unfortunate that he didn't resist arrest vigorously...
  17. HomeLAN

    Happy Birthday BigDadday!!!

    Happy Bday!
  18. HomeLAN

    Stupid computer tricks

    I've seen a few goodies in the past.
  19. HomeLAN

    Cripple Fight!!

    That' wrong on so many levels. The author can't properly pluralize or punctuate, but has no trouble with such complexities as "motherf**ker". Odd.
  20. HomeLAN

    Beer recipes

    I've got the rig, I just haven't made the time. There's also the issue of where to do it. Space layout just doesn't work.