Search results

  1. G

    Min specs for Linux??

    This would be enough for Mandrake 7.x or Redhat 6.x with kde desktop. Do not expect to run a gui such as kde2 on that machine with any great performance. You will also need at least 1gb of hard-drive space and 32mb of ram. If you want to run in command line mode, then a 386 with a few 100...
  2. G


    wine4all thanks I will download Mozilla today. :) You are right, there are a lot of improvement in Konqueror, I sometimes uses-it now.
  3. G

    Free BSD Help Line

    Are you trying to dual boot FreeBSD and windows? Or, are you offering help? I multi-boot FreeBSD, so if you need help, I'll check in.
  4. G


    This thing works great with Netscape 4.77 under Linux. As for Mozilla 0.8, it works but the way this menu is extending makes my P3-733 with 256mb of rdram feel like a 486-33.
  5. G


    I just upgraded from Mandrake 7.1 to Mandrake 8.0 and it seems to me, that both of these 2 companies are cloning each other. :) For a while I was multibooting (because I have more than 2 os installed) both Redhat6.2 and Mandrake 7.1, and at the time, finally decided to stick with Mandrake as it...
  6. G


    Postcode, you review is pretty good. But you talk about "greater stability" and you never say with what you have compared it with. What type of testing have you done to prove the greater stability of this OS. I don't know, if it is the samething with v7.1, but v7.0 was advertised as kernel 2.4...
  7. G

    Software - Linux

    I'm not using a modem anymore, but for anyone wishing to use a winmodem in linux, has to be in their favorites.
  8. G

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Nobody was checking on the basement windows, so I sneaked in. :D
  9. G

    Welcome glussier

    What kr, s4 and Q said. Ho sorry it's me. :)
  10. G

    I think it's time we had a joke

    Everything you always wanted to know about N O V A C A I N E
  11. G

    One line jokes here

    :) Q. What's the speed limit of sex? A. 69 you have to turn around.
  12. G

    I think it's time we had a joke

    Here's my contribution: The wedding date was set and the groom's three pals - a carpenter, an electrician and a dentist were deciding what pranks to play on the couple on their wedding night. The carpenter figured sawing the slats of their bed would give them a chuckle or two. The...
  13. G

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Thanks for the nice welcome Krusty and all. I wouldn't mind helping in this forum. I can help in most of the operating systems, but don't count on me for the MAC world. :)
  14. G

    Is there any reason not to install 2K over ME?

    You can't actually upgrade w2k over me, unless you are looking for a whole lot of problems. 2k came before me and therefore was not built to be upgaded over that operating system.
  15. G

    what I would really like is to have explorer from 95 running in WinMe

    Sorry about the missunderstanding. You can give WinAbility a try (Explorer replacement), you can get it at There is also PowerDesk4 and 4pro which are available at . NOte that Powerdesk4 is freeware. [ June 04, 2001...
  16. G

    what I would really like is to have explorer from 95 running in WinMe

    IEradicator 2000 might help you do the job, it is said to also support winme, you can get it at . Note that this utility is at Beta stage. You should be able to install any version of IE after this procedure is completed.
  17. G


    HI ALL, Sorry to be bitching too. Corel uses the same ext2fs filesystem as Mandrake and linux and Suse and etc.... If your xwindow environment is KDE you might want to give kcapture a try. Here is my laptop desktop with kcapture showing (you can make it invisible if you want to) sorry about the...