Search results

  1. D

    End of the road for SETI?

    I like graphical stuff :D I'm not on a team...been asked by a few people but I've been too lazy to email them back, lol
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    End of the road for SETI?

    Hey guys haven't been around for a while because I was using my dad's rig since I was selling parts of mine and very confused..until yesterday when I got a BG7E review sample :D Anyways, I've been using SETI for quite some time now. Don't really like Genome because it doesn't show the status...
  3. D

    SiSoft Who?

    Huge, you have a good video card, and a very nice monitor. I've used a few of those monitors before, and I love them. Recommend a mobo/CPU upgrade though :D I've also been using this program lately, and I have fallen in love with it. Not many benchmarks, but a very good informational program...
  4. D

    Fl has gone too far

    I don't see any problem at all with the laws that have been mentioned. But then again, since I don't smoke, I guess that's why :D Drinking is cheaper and more fun. :beerchug: Shit...weed is almost cheaper than cigs these days.. :spin:
  5. D

    Some info on the NV30

    How the hell are they going to cool that thing?! :eek:
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    Why was I so blindly devoted to IBM?

    60gb 120GXP :) Supposedly, the 120GXP was a bit more stable. Hell of a performer too :)
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    Why was I so blindly devoted to IBM?

    Guess what I bought to test and have some fun with the other day! Should be here sometime in the next 2 weeks :smash:
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    How's this for my next upgrade

    That system looks very decent. You should be able to take that chip up to 2.7-2.8GHz with a B0 stepping. If you are lucky enough to get a C1 stepping, you should hit 3GHz without much problem. I haven't used that board, but if it has 3:4 RAM ratio, you will be in VERY good shape. Don't know what...
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    Was just talking to someone about their new puter...

    You mean Abit AT7-MAX2? That's the KT400 board :) He might be better off waiting for the nForce2-based boards. The ASUS A7N8X looks to be a very good board, and the EPoX one promises to be cheaper and OC better. Since what he's doing requires high bandwidth and low latencies...nForce2 would...
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    The Bitch has spoken

    She could kiss my ass for all I care. Screw the Clintons. He was a pussy. Bush knows what he's doing and he's going to kick some Sadam ass! :D
  11. D

    Damn, diagnosed with Chondromalacia Patellae

    No not at all. I have the same problem, but its getting pretty bad lately. Been playin catcher for about 9 years now. Got hit once pretty bad in the knee by a wild pitch too. Damn side-armers. Slow as hell pitch, but it got just the right spot. Basketball hasn't helped any, but I've retired...
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    Sun cool on AMD's Hammer

    DUDE! How was that post near the top?!?!?! Damn...we need some people, news, and lots of posts here!
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    Why was I so blindly devoted to IBM?

    On the upside, I backed all my stuff up 4-5 days ago and have WinXP back up and running on the drive again :) Only problem is when I installed XP I didn't have my slipstreamed SP1 disc, so I'm running pre-SP1, and I've already had issues with IE6 and installing my sound drivers. Piece of crap...
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    Why was I so blindly devoted to IBM?

    I erased my entire drive the other day by moving the PC speaker bracket and accidentally leaving it RIGHT under my WD 15.3gb drive :rolleyes: Lost all my recent emails :( I've had to redownload 33mb so far, and that still doesn't include the 50mb administrative SP2 update for OfficeXP :mad:
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    Reviews: What do YOU guys want?

    Hehe me too! Just trying to figure out what's of priority here to all of you guys.. cuz we're all friends now :beerchug:
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    Can't believe you haven't posted it yet, Gonz

    On second I won't...its too disgusting
  17. D

    Can't believe you haven't posted it yet, Gonz

    LoL...Dennis...what you said isn't a quarted as sick, wrong, or disgusting what I think should happen to them. I'll quote my post on another forum as soon as I find it..
  18. D

    So, what's your rig?

    Main rig: MSI KT3 Ultra (KT333CE) w/ onboard sound AMD AthlonXP 1600+ AGOIA @ 1.87GHz (10x187), 2.00v 256MB PC2700 Samsung -CTL RAM @ most aggressive timings ATi Radeon8500 @ 290/310 (10,250 3dmark2001se) Western Digital 15.3GB ATA66 7200RPM 12x8x32x Sony CD-RW (CRX160e) L&G 350w PSU...
  19. D

    Need to unload some stuff for cash to pay for my new rig! FS: KT3, PC166, PSU, P2, P4

    Hey guys I have a couple things for sale here... note that I only want cash, as I need to pull some money up for my next rig. I will add to this list as I decide to part with more stuff. MSI KT3 Ultra (retail w/ box). Overclocks with my current hardware to 190MHz+ rock solid. Has 1/5...