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  1. H

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hi, and welcome. :wave: :beerchug:
  2. H

    Happy Thanksgiving

    :hmm: Won't that get my boxers all gunky?
  3. H

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. And you too Tiny Tim. Oh wait, wrong holiday. I need sleep. g'nite.
  4. H

    Hey Neo!!!!!!!

    PIZZA!!! BEER!!! I'm here !! Hey that rhymes!! :beerchug:
  5. H

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hey Brewmeister, here's to ya. :beerchug:
  6. H

    What in your opinion would get people to post here more often?

    Getting more members will mean that there will more people posting. The SDMB is thinking of going pay to post. This board could get some of those who refuse to or can't pay. If they are made aware that xibase exists. People will come. I found this place following a link about concrete...
  7. H

    Where is everyone?

    The History Channel :cool:
  8. H


    Hey, yo, I'm here. :) :( ;) :o :mad: :D :p :eek: :confused: :scared: :spin: :beerchug: :cry: :lurk: :yawn: :laugh: :smash: :wave: :sick: :retard: :worm: :eek2: :spin: :cry2: :cool: :whip: :read: :evil: :vomit: :love: :ladiesman :usa: :sex: :withstup: :mmm: :smoke: :fart: :jump: :snooze: :thup...