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  1. Gonzo


    horny wimins?
  2. Gonzo


    You old fart :hbd:
  3. Gonzo

    Which star wars character are you?

  4. Gonzo

    Life begins at 30?

  5. Gonzo

    Tarantino has lost his mind

    I've enjoyed some of his stuff. I wouldn't allow my 10 year old to watch though.
  6. Gonzo

    MrBish goes postal

    Never in one & the other, just the other day I posted that they were all nuts. Didn't play the game though.
  7. Gonzo

    Gay/Lesbian religious unions (Marriage)

    If one is a member of a certain church, they have already chosen. If they decide to change for social etiquestte they weren't believers in the first place were they?
  8. Gonzo

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    It's fine for those who make an effort to to go find one that suits their particular need. I don't think they need to appear out of the woodwork at every single little (or big) thing that happens. You mentioned your kids & a school shooting. I would expect you & your wife to assist your child...
  9. Gonzo

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    It's not insulting to have thousands of years of mankind set aside & belittled by the new & improved psycho-babble? Kids & adults have learned to cope long before some feel good art came along. That art is now taking over everything & people overlook their own ability to take matter in their own...
  10. Gonzo

    MrBish goes postal

    This place (and HWC) gave birth to very well exists. It just so happens that it's been, well, err, not hopping like it once did.
  11. Gonzo

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    I agree. They've also given rise to the victimhood is good mentality. That is one of my major pet peeves. which in turn create whole threads of arguments. I've commented to my wife, several times, about the tragedy/counseling connection. Some kid gets killed in an accident & on the next...
  12. Gonzo

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    Don't let freak read that. You'll get negative karma :D
  13. Gonzo

    Idiot Mothers

    Charge her with attempted murder.
  14. Gonzo

    MrBish goes postal

    I have flavio, you have AE. Ain't life grand :D
  15. Gonzo

    MrBish goes postal

    Be careful though, some of us shoot back :D
  16. Gonzo

    MrBish goes postal

  17. Gonzo

    Indiana governor dies five days after stroke

    IN is weird. The 2nd in command is the Lt Governor but the head of each house has to pass along a recommendation to the state Supreme Court which in turn votes "aye" before he can become more than acting Governor. (it happened)
  18. Gonzo

    Does it ever really go away?

    That is what I don't get. How does, say, your Welsh & Chinese ethnicity make you do/feel those things as opposed to if you had the exact same life but replaced Chinese with Arab & Welsh with Russian? It's about nationality (in this case we'll leave it simple & say Hawaiian) & experience...
  19. Gonzo

    Court blocks Do-Not-Call registry

    The state version (we have one) is not affected.