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  1. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    Still single player. I've got a rookie at work which prevents me going online from here. I'm trying to set up dialup on the gamer at home, but I'll have to have my account reset, since the paper I had all my account information on is MIA.
  2. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    Has anyone tried out the druid character? There's something kinda special about having the ground rear up and kill the bad guys without any effort at all on your part. 'Specially with those ravens plucking out their eyes. Worth a trial
  3. Professur

    My Free Christmas TiVo

    bye bye boner.
  4. Professur

    My Free Christmas Sony PSP

    Wow, these assholes are breeding summat fierce.
  5. Professur

    Free Video Game Console

    did you know you can't report your own posts? Wierd.
  6. Professur

    Free Video Game Console

    Start by leaving. The door's over there, don't let it hit your ass on the way out.
  7. Professur

    Free Laptop Offer!

    And you have to go away. Bye Bye.
  8. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    My merc is starting to piss me off. She's a fucking killing machine. I hardly get to hit anything. And considering that I'm the one carrying all the +XX% gold rings and charms ... I'm spending my time trying to find ways to trap her so that I can run ahead and get some killing of my own in.
  9. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    Oh, nice. Rub it in why doncha.
  10. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    i know a guy who for fired for having pulled pork at the office. I can get pumpkin pie here for maybe a week before halloween, and that's it. Can't even get the filling to make my own. I feel so alone.
  11. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    Wouldn't make it across the border, I'm afraid. Besides, I've got 2 14x24 pans of spice cake to go through. but I am gonna get a Herman started before christmas.
  12. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    *sob* I miss banana bread.
  13. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    Holy Crap. Yeah, that worked. And doubled my stash size too. And now I'm getting skulls. Quite the difference.
  14. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

  15. Professur

    Urgent appeal; Please get us out of here.

    Doesn't really matter. Butt munch here wasn't in 1st Cav anyhow. They don't take whining mama's boys
  16. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    Ah, that could be it. I started this pally before installing the update. I assumed installing the update took care of things like that.
  17. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    Yessir, Ah am.
  18. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    I tried equipping my Merc last night, in the offline game, no-go. Perhaps that only works in the online. Shift-potion didn't work either.
  19. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    Run that by me again. Two? you can have two?
  20. Professur

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    I've got the artic belt, berserker's helm, 2 of Cathan rings, infernal cranium (I think) Isenhart's sword and breast plate. Those last two are the one's mentioned. I've put up the sword for the hammer for the moment. Unfortunately, the french translation of the names doesn't give you much...