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  1. Acid

    Who changed my member status thingie?

    <-- stud
  2. Acid


    How old are you? I'm 18 (as of today :D)
  3. Acid


    You only think men are grown up boys because you have met a real man.
  4. Acid


    I'd like to know that someone I loved could love me back.
  5. Acid


    A girl told me she loved me. A few days later she called me everything thing in the book because she didn't trust me. She obviously has issues.
  6. Acid


    girls are worse. way worse.
  7. Acid

    Unless you're waiting for a Radeon 9700

    That's actually not a bad price (compared to $400 range for the new nVidia boards)
  8. Acid

    Here we go again......

  9. Acid

    Unless you're waiting for a Radeon 9700

    No. You can't.
  10. Acid

    warcraft3, w00t....

    I've had SoF2 installed for 3 months. I haven't had a save game for 2 :) And I had RtCW for a long time before I finally got tired of having installed, so I beat it. Disappointingly EASY ending.
  11. Acid

    amd > intel After a good months rest, they come back to kick ass. And with the 2800+ on the horizon, sporting 333fsb speed, AMD has a few things going right, very right :beerchug:
  12. Acid

    Unless you're waiting for a Radeon 9700

    Or you could get a Radeon9500 which is like just a tad slower. Duh?
  13. Acid

    I got my driver's license, stay off the roads!

    Did you have to parallel park?
  14. Acid

    So HUGE would you be proud of me?

    *bites tongue*
  15. Acid

    So HUGE would you be proud of me?

    most people who buy intel aren't too smart to begin with.
  16. Acid

    peek a boo (not for kids)

    Haven't you ever seen that BestBuy commerical? Wanna test things about before you buy them? Well, I doubt he'll want to spend 5Gs before he sees if they are good :D :D :D
  17. Acid

    So HUGE would you be proud of me?

    <a href="">hello</a>
  18. Acid

    So HUGE would you be proud of me?

  19. Acid


    he'll be doing stats reports on how his bandwith fluxuates at different hours. i can see it now.