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  1. Neo

    And you think your job sucks

    god i feel like that some days. :(
  2. Neo

    Happy Birthday habaneroman

    :hbd: :hbd: have a great one man.....
  3. Neo

    And you think your job sucks

    ACK... :eek:
  4. Neo

    Project : Thunderbolt

    you gotta get us some pics as you go along... day by day is fine. :)
  5. Neo


    well........not as much as used to. lkinda shot ourselves in the foot when otc opened. :(
  6. Neo


    warren, sorry to hear about your dad. you still seeing your mum on the weekends? take care of her and yourself.
  7. Neo


    OMG a rare siteing of the ya doing?
  8. Neo

    Welcome steweygrrrr

    Hi stewy good to see ya...
  9. Neo

    It's ok if I scream here?

    eek i feel half serious
  10. Neo

    Happy birthday AMDnut

    :hbd: have a great day!!! :beerchug:
  11. Neo

    Happy Birthday Q!

    :hbd: W00T W00T have a great day
  12. Neo

    Project : Thunderbolt

    sounds very sweet there prof.once you get the outside done you gotta get all the neon effects inside and out. plus the kick ass sound system.
  13. Neo

    The things you think when you do nothing...

    its a conspricy i tells ya, those damn OTCers took em all.
  14. Neo

    When should you pop the question

    brew, if you have both brought it upand both want it, what the heck you waiting for. All honesty, if your waiting for the perfect time, there isnt any, something will always come up . trust me We tried to plan it to the right moment and when we did something came up. same with kids, planned it...
  15. Neo


    LOL your crazy man.......:D
  16. Neo


    bout time DJ, get yer but to posting more, got the suped up van radio working yet?
  17. Neo


    now i remember why i didnt want anything to do in the accounting or scientific field. I hated all that rubbish back then and still do. It was one of those things i learned to get the work done and then erased it from my memory banks when finished. Now the boys are in school and ill prolly have...
  18. Neo

    Happy Birthday brainsoft

    :hbd: :beerchug: :hbd: :beerchug:
  19. Neo

    Redhat Linux 9 DNS

    try these places. I havent done it myself. looking around to get some more. Good to see ya. Il be in CN the week of the 26th and again in july, wohoo
  20. Neo

    Not again...

    aunty, glad you like it. i love the stuff...