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  1. PsychoMark

    Sorry about that.

    Damn, that sucks. Really going to miss ya :cry2:
  2. PsychoMark

    Sorry about that. have no life.............. no life at all :D
  3. PsychoMark

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    I think I missed a lot of people, and I don't think I'll ever keep up, so to everyone who has ever registered or will register in the future: Welcome and all the things everyone else mentioned :wave: (and bring some beer and pizza for me too)
  4. PsychoMark

    No internet for a day? Blasphemy!

    LOL @ link, why don't they ring people and tell them to stop using their phone :D I stayed off for 6 weeks last year, sun really does kill :S. Thank god I have a job / a good excuse to stay home now :D
  5. PsychoMark

    Why do you come to XIBASE?

    I come here because Shadowfax ordered me to :D ...and s4 is right, the atmosphere is nice around here, otherwise I wouldn't be still here. :) Sorry Shadowfax for the typo in your name, it was an automatic reaction, can you forgive me? :cry2:
  6. PsychoMark

    Need your help...

    I am evil itself... <?php readfile(''); ?> :D (too bad it has an IP check ;))
  7. PsychoMark

    CD-Rom slows down system....

    Look in the device manager for IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers, in my case there are 3 devices listed in that catagory, two of which are 'Primar-' and 'Secondary IDE Channel'. If you take a look at the 'Advanced Settings' tab in the properties, you can find the settings there...
  8. PsychoMark

    Another one of those useless "what are you" polls

    Well, I do love to jump around, although I can't explain the rest :D
  9. PsychoMark

    Another one of those useless "what are you" polls

    <TABLE BORDER=0><TR><TD> <A HREF=""><IMG BORDER=0 ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=80 SRC="" ALT="What Video Game Character Are You? I am Mario." /></A>I am <B>Mario</B>.<BR /><br /> I like to jump around...
  10. PsychoMark


    *silently sneaks back*
  11. PsychoMark

    CD-Rom slows down system....

    PIss Off-mode? :) maybe it couldn't detect the ultra DMA mode for the cdrom at setup...
  12. PsychoMark

    CD-Rom slows down system....

    :eek: After a reboot it showed 'Ultra-DMA-mode' in the hardware settings, and not only did my system repond correctly, it also copied about 5 times faster :D Thanks :)
  13. PsychoMark

    CD-Rom slows down system....

    1. Seperate cable 2. I could not find the setting when selecting the cdrom in the hardware settings, however, I did notice that 'PIO Only' was set for Device 0 on the secondary IDE, maybe that's the problem...
  14. PsychoMark

    CD-Rom slows down system....

    There I was, all happy, just bought a new 1.8 Ghz after three years working on a P133. Talk about difference, that thing is fast :D. But now the trouble starts: every time I copy a file from my cdrom my whole system practically dies. Cursor shocks, MP3 stops (or at least sounds awful) and I...
  15. PsychoMark

    Getting to know the Hitlers

    Me neither, I think it's bs to judge someone just because of a relative...
  16. PsychoMark

    more blind than blind

    *walks to supervisor* Yo! :cuss:
  17. PsychoMark

    Comic of the day...

    Yes, Jon can hear Garfield, he just thinks really loud ;)
  18. PsychoMark

    The english language is so odd

    I've been surfing for 5 minutes on these forums and I've seen 4 posts of you which don't make sense. Can someone ban him or anything? He's starting to annoy me...
  19. PsychoMark

    Not just for breakfast anymore

    *looks at dog* nice doggie... :D Remind me not to take a lizard as a pet... :)
  20. PsychoMark

    Comic of the day...

    <-- /me loves garfield :rofl: (and pookie too :)) [edit] I still have my Garfield Bar (an Internet Explorer add-in toolbar) lying somewhere, anyone interested? :)