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  1. Aunty M


    ... gets entangled in an arguement in real world about whether going to war with Iraq is the right thing to do and why, and forgets to tell his Commander in Chief to get on with the attack and world peace breaks out.... NOT. Meanwhile Aunty makes a toasted bacon sandwich and a cafe latte and...
  2. Aunty M

    Whats your ride?

    Hmmm, they always spoil the fun.... What exactly is wrong with roof-surfing? Anyone would think they'd never tried standing up one a van roof when it's moving...:retard:
  3. Aunty M


    Aunty's shocked at first but soon realises it's not a gorilla it's Chris Eubank, that poncy posh ex-boxer who thinks he's gods gift to humanity. Peering intently through his monocle he lisps " I say, can you show me the way to....
  4. Aunty M

    original food fight thread

    Hmm, smooth or rough side up... *flips the raw liver through the air so violently it lands with a slap on Gato's butt* Yep I'd say that's pretty well flipped... *then proceeds to remove and eat bits of plum pie from her hair...* Hey got any custard for this? NE, you got any more...
  5. Aunty M

    original food fight thread

    Great, my hair's a little dry and needs some nourishment. This should help your complexion... *lets Gato have it in the face with a custard pie*
  6. Aunty M

    Whats your ride?

    Mine does 40 or so, but then with petrol at £0.75($1.22) a litre it needs to. We have things that look like minibuses over here which are much more economical...
  7. Aunty M


    Well take them off and shake them out... You can't shock me, I've seen it all before... *Thinks fondly of her student nurse days and chasing a loopy little old men with no pants on down the hospital corridor @ 3 am as he tried to escape...*
  8. Aunty M

    Whats your ride?

    So how many gallons does it do to the mile? ;)
  9. Aunty M

    Hi, I've stopped lurking...

    What makes you think I bake cakes, I prefer to burn CDs...:D ;)
  10. Aunty M

    Whats your ride?

    Ye gods, I can park 2 of mine in the space that takes up! :eek: You'd have trouble driving it down our highstreet...
  11. Aunty M

    Hi, I've stopped lurking...

    Is that with or without the processor?...
  12. Aunty M

    original food fight thread

    Right, you asked for it! *reaches for the enormous bowl of jello that conveniantly appears beside her* Well this is virtual reality *grabs Gatos waistband and tips the contents down the inside of his pants* Squelch on that one!
  13. Aunty M

    Whats your ride?

    Much as I would like something big, bad and ugly I don't drive enough these days to make it worth my while so I have an itsy, bitsy, widdle Vauxhall Corsa Breeze 1.4i 16v. Like this, but in metalic ardent blue - a bit like royal blue.
  14. Aunty M

    Hi, I've stopped lurking...

    I have been seeking alternatives, but I miss that mix of seriousness and not-so-seriousness that OTC provides.... Basically, I miss the gang... :(
  15. Aunty M

    original food fight thread

    *Leaps into action with the "Household Cleaner" spraygun and a damp cloth, removing all those sticky finger marks from the Xibase logo* Phew, it's ripe in here, excuse me while I open windows.... *cough, cough, cough*... must be the trout...
  16. Aunty M

    Hi, I've stopped lurking...

    ... I too am an OTC junkie and missing my fix :cry: ... please talk to me... well text anyway...
  17. Aunty M


    ....more crazy tales from the lunatic lounge, misbehaviour in the kiddy korner, hard fought battles in real world and taking the piss out of Jerrek... a tear slides down Aunty Em's cheek as she contemplates the future without her virtual friends... :cry:
  18. Aunty M

    Server move

    I'm beginning to get serious DTs!:eek: I can get to HWC no problem.
  19. Aunty M

    Server move

    Annoying as it is, it's nice to know it's not just me...:rolleyes:
  20. Aunty M

    Server move

    It might well have gone smoothly for you but I haven't been able to get here or OTC since last night. So much for assurances of no down time. Can someone please post a link for OT Central as I can't get there ~ unless it's down of course.