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  1. squeeks

    One word post

  2. squeeks

    One word post

    everyone should know the rules Hello
  3. squeeks

    AMD or Intel

    6x AMD No Intel Some old cyrix/IBM chips that dont work One Intel Pee 120, i forgot (dosent have a mobo though) OH yeah and my Intel Pee III 1 gig notebook
  4. squeeks


    girl + Dual t-birds = hell ya
  5. squeeks

    I think we need to spice things up a bit

    Jopey and SK:cool: well sorta
  6. squeeks

    Damn leadtek....

    are you running a Abit Kt7A with a hercules 3dprophet II pro? if so this is a known problem and the card can be returned for a new one.
  7. squeeks

    So, what's your rig?

    Better late then never... System #1 (main rig) Athlon 1.33 AXIA Hosted by an ECS K7S5A (for the time being) 256meg PC2100 Crucial DDr Vision Tek GF3 ti-500 Sound Blaster AudigyMP3 24x10x40 QUE! CDWR 8X DVD w/ Cretive DxR3 Full Tower will update in a minute
  8. squeeks

    Whats your ride?

    DOH cant upload on an edit
  9. squeeks

    Whats your ride?

    And My car
  10. squeeks

    Whats your ride?

    NO NO heres Don's Car
  11. squeeks


    Did someone call?
  12. squeeks

    Yet another site owner axed by

    :laugh: :D :lol:
  13. squeeks

    Want you want from Santa?

  14. squeeks

    Want you want from Santa?

    Ill take some of those too...
  15. squeeks

    Want you want from Santa?

    From the Earth to the Moon DVD Collection
  16. squeeks

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    ewww sheeps me like sheep
  17. squeeks

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

  18. squeeks

    Want you want from Santa?

    Cool my name changed...Thanks Fury;)