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  1. Kindly Fugu

    Music anyone?

    i listen to everything except rap and country...punk is starting to get annoying too. I play bass guitar...havnt been in a band in a couple years though. my old band...couple songs on mp3com
  2. Kindly Fugu

    Women, you can't live with can't _______ em

    "Women, cant live without them, and they cant pee standing up" Rube Baker -Major League 2
  3. Kindly Fugu

    How big is your hard drive?

    :retard: 4.2!!! its so sad
  4. Kindly Fugu

    1st half MLB standings

    well put Stop Laughing...Ichiro was leading vote cuz of thousands of votes from japan...which seems kinda unfair. But i am glad to see Cliff Floyd made it there...though he should be starting. As was is a joke
  5. Kindly Fugu

    1st half MLB standings

    :retard: is anyone else sickend by this all star crap?? 7 yankees on (Torre picked) and no Cliff Floyd on NL!?!?! and Ripken and Gwynn....what the hell, just cuz theyre old and retiring. they need to start doing this crap scientifically:retard:
  6. Kindly Fugu


    I just played the map _speedrun. totally cool and great fun.
  7. Kindly Fugu

    Few movies....

    "hey mr. Devil...i like your cape"
  8. Kindly Fugu

    Flavio wishes he knew what 'Whacked' means...

    i think flavio's links are better:retard:
  9. Kindly Fugu

    Here's your whacked link

    :retard: oh my, i agree with jayburner...fantastic:smash:
  10. Kindly Fugu

    I'm a stranger

    :retard: you MUST be pretty strange if you wanna know when a new metallica album comes out!!! :confused:
  11. Kindly Fugu

    What is your favorite genre?

    :retard: shooters are great, but I absolutley could not live without sports games. Most of all Baseball&Football...and always EA!! Although, i am waiting for WSB2k2 for Dreamcast...last years was the worst ever...i'm hoping they fix it. :retard:
  12. Kindly Fugu

    Kindly Fugu

    ok, i got a crazy story about mr. T...although its not as good as meeting him :) When i just a lad, my 2 older brothers and i had the origianl Mr. T doll. Anyone who has had this doll, remembers how easy his head would pop off. One day...we decided to bury him in the backyard...his body in...
  13. Kindly Fugu


    well, i do believe they used Remmy last year when Rocker was gone...not to mention they have Karsay now for some solid innings. but, what do i know, i'm not a Braves fan. :rolleyes:
  14. Kindly Fugu


    Anyone ever played the map de_gladiator??? Know of a server that has it?
  15. Kindly Fugu

    Whacked story

    :( :( :( :( :(
  16. Kindly Fugu


    All in all, the Braves just wanted to get rid of the whole Rocker situation. ooohh, and my bad...i was thinking Milwood and i wrote Ligtenberg...sorry. But if anything, i think Remlinger should take over the closing duties.
  17. Kindly Fugu

    Whacked flash movie of the day

    that is the greatest thing i have ever seen...THANK YOU!!
  18. Kindly Fugu

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    ha, not sure about the name...just one of those random things i use for CS @ i'm kinda stuck with it. :eek: