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  1. 75renegade

    Question for the Jesus Squad

    Hey Gonz.... Interestin' to observe that children payin' for the "sins of the fathers", is what ya find most disturbin'. Aside from the fact that none of us really want our children to suffer, for their own sins, much less those that we do. Is it so strange to understand that the bad...
  2. 75renegade

    Question for the Jesus Squad

    Thanks for sharin' the pics. SYSTEM! Gonz, gonna get back to ya. Gotta couple a thoughts..........(scary):eek:
  3. 75renegade

    What Do Yer Dreams Mean To Ya?

    Thanks Dim!:)
  4. 75renegade

    Blondes, Brunettes Or Redheads?

    Not a "shaved" preferer, huh? :D
  5. 75renegade

    how do i...

    Sorry Acid.... Back in the "Day", ('70s), when I was a youngin, A.J. Foyte & Al & Bobby Unser were amoung the biggest names in Indy car racin'. Ya don't need to feel bad, but I'm suddenly feelin' real old.:)
  6. 75renegade

    how do i...

    Hey Acid........... I jus' think ya need to unplug man. Not sure what the "love" to lust ratio is here, but from yer own indications, I'd guess yer A.J. Foyte about to hit the wall......... Maybe that's all ya want though, so go for it.........time will tell...... Peace.:eh:
  7. 75renegade

    Blondes, Brunettes Or Redheads?

    Yeah Gonz...... That's a "safe", "look, I'm married to one, an' she's standin' here beside me, watchin' me type", answer.:D I'll buy it.:)
  8. 75renegade

    Blondes, Brunettes Or Redheads?

    So does it seem true? The part about Redheads requirin' more patience an' energy than the non-Reds ya knew, before ya married?:D
  9. 75renegade

    BESIDES SEX, Name 3 Favorite Summer Activities.

    Three of my personal favorites would include: Drivin' topless in my Jeep, with my youngins. Outdoorsy stuff, like ridin' mountain bikes, canoein' walks in the park. An' ofcourse, friends at bar-b-que parties with evenin' campfire sit-arounds.:)
  10. 75renegade

    US Students flunk history

    HINDSIGHT: Lookin' back at my growin' up years in school, I wish I woulda been aware of the value of knowin' History! I'm interested, much more so now, though I confess it takes a conscious effort to apply myself to it still. Knowledge of it seems to give one a greater sense of purpose...
  11. 75renegade

    Blondes, Brunettes Or Redheads?

    When it comes to attraction to the opposite sex, (this question will pertain a bit more to the "singles" crowd), but which do ya typically have the most interest in meetin'? I have a life's history, of an almost exclusive attraction for Brunettes. Dark hair an' dark eyes suits me jus' fine...
  12. 75renegade

    how do i...

    I can only envy yer predicament!:D
  13. 75renegade

    What Do Yer Dreams Mean To Ya?

    I know little about the study of dreams, but it's my belief that our dreams reveal more about us that about others. I think every character in my dreams is a different facimile of my own self, both good an' evil. What Do ya think about yer own dreams?
  14. 75renegade

    Question for the Jesus Squad

    Bottom line first........... In my view, if the mother made a "promise", before God, legally bindin' an' all, to abide the school's requirements, she obviously needs to follow through, or the penalty should stand. Thought it was interestin' that the school officials gave her a "second...
  15. 75renegade


    Heard from a fan that it would kick Episodes 2's butt. Dunno. Haven't seen it yet. Saw Episode 2 this weekend. Not bad, overall. Would like to see Spidey soon. Does it have enough plot to carry the special effects?:)
  16. 75renegade

    How do you all feel about Jesus?

    Take courage Flav., ya stand in a big crowd of folks who feel jus' like ya do! It's only a natural thing to wanna "work" in order to earn our way, but that's what distinguishes the Christian faith from "religion". Religion is spelled, DO........but Biblical Christianity is spelled, DONE...
  17. 75renegade

    How do you all feel about Jesus?

    Damn Right!:D
  18. 75renegade

    How would ya like yer epitaph to read?

    Perhaps most of us, young to middle-agers have'nt actually got that detail of our future worked out yet, but jus' outta curiosity, (a.) How would ya like for yer epitaph to read on yer gravestone, and/or (b.) What might others choose to see chisseled into it?
  19. 75renegade


    Gonz, I'm glad ya asked that question! Actually, we're ALL immortal!! Bible says, "it is appointed for men to die once, after this comes judgement", (Heb. 9:27) Would'nt be much sense in judgin' a lifeless corpse now would there? No, we live on........ Unfortunately, once we lay down...
  20. 75renegade

    Guitar Chords Wanted

    If anyone has heard of an musician named (Samantha) Sam Phillips, I have her latest CD called, "Fan Dance". I am interested in gettin' a copy of the guitar chords to a couple a songs from the album. I've searched a couple a guitar chord sites, but found nothin' from the new CD. Very few...