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    no cable and no DSL make fury something something

    Sheesh MOve to New Zealand, you can get it any where anytime. Any town, Any City, you can even get it through Fiber optics :)

    A PHP question for lovers of it.

    ok ... well maybe its time to update the PHP on my server, I'm running SAMBAR Technologies webserver Gess its time to update

    A PHP question for lovers of it.

    Ouch Ok DONE :retard:

    A PHP question for lovers of it.

    Ouch ..... This code dosen't work still. Warning: Undefined variable: url in d:\website\the_internet\html\hyperlinks.php on line 3 still saying that your if ( !$url ) it is still looking for something to be assigned before the page is loaded. :D

    A PHP question for lovers of it.

    At the top of my PHP page I need a to assign a value to a veriable say $url and $note. when you get a direct hit on this page there are no velues assigned to these verables! at the moment i have ... <?php if ($url ==...

    Ok, time for some more dumb networking questions

    if all the computers on the net ... I think that if man kind went along the same way as all the computers, a handshake would make so much the better in this world, this has nothing to do with networks, but just thought id say that ...

    Vertial Includes in PHP

    Hay thanks YEs it works thats all that matters ... your the man (o;

    I love PHP

    Yah Thats right!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love PHP

    Mee too Its not that bad when you can get it to work ... and if you know the in's and outs.
  10. NEWMAN

    Vertial Includes in PHP

    In .SHTML you can use the [!--#include virtual="/page_head.htm" --] tag how do I include pages like this using php?
  11. NEWMAN

    Probably a dumb question....but

    Nice Nice
  12. NEWMAN

    Conection to a Databace

    :scared: Ok this might sound silly, but over the last few weeks I have moved my PHP self training to look at data bases. And I just can't work out why I can't connect to a MySQL data bace, can someone help me ...
  13. NEWMAN

    Downgraded Code Red causes few problems

    Ouch XXXXXXXX vs NNNNNNNNNN Its anoying that now I have to pay for the attacks to my server by the default.ida ... consumes 100mb of trainsfier per day.
  14. NEWMAN

    html question

    Thanks that works It would seem that it works now. I think that i had to configure my server before i got it to work. ;) Thanks guys for your help (o::beerchug: Check out :eek2:Philip's DOMAIN - Newz
  15. NEWMAN

    html question

    :confused: I just tried that on my server and I got this error [] RPC 'virtual' does not exist. SSI processing failure. can someone tell me what this means?
  16. NEWMAN

    Mp3 Streaming Media

    Well it was something that came up when I started helping with a web radio station. (Indiesoundz ) I started to add media to Philip's DOMAIN, and it goes slow. Anyone know any good cheap hosts that would alow MP3 uploads to be streamed.:retard::rolleyes:
  17. NEWMAN

    Who knows Flash here?

    Flash is cool. its all so good not just for images but I have found that the sound on my website can come alive with Audio :D Come and check it out Philip's DOMAIN - Internet Project
  18. NEWMAN

    html question

    Nice website (o; I used to love that cartoon :wave:
  19. NEWMAN

    You guys better simmer down in here

    This is getting quite cheesy <IMG SRC="laugh.gif" border="0">
  20. NEWMAN

    Come and See Philip's DOMAIN In.

    Oh and if there is anyone out there that has any good traffic building ideas feel free to contact me ... thats what I need right now is Traffic ... Oh and thanks guys for all your feed back (o;