Search results

  1. HomeLAN

    Barbecue sauce?

    No matter what they use, they won't.
  2. HomeLAN

    Barbecue sauce?

    Tell 'em to enjoy it - while they can. They ain't never gonna get it to taste as good as mine.
  3. HomeLAN

    Barbecue sauce?

    Hey, it's all fuckin' corn. :D I get those two mixed up. I just know what the shit looks like on the shelf. Use whichever the females feel is correct.
  4. HomeLAN

    Barbecue sauce?

    Corn meal, perhaps?
  5. HomeLAN

    Barbecue sauce?

    That's easy enough. The chicken rub is approximately half and half brown sugar and sea salt. I used light brown sugar, but dark will do nicely as well. The catfish breading is 2/3 flour to 1/3 corn starch. Add a little garlic powder, moderate salt and plenty of poultry seasoning. Mix...
  6. HomeLAN

    Barbecue sauce? The top one here looks like a decent NC style sauce.
  7. HomeLAN

    Barbecue sauce? That's probably close to southern traditional.
  8. HomeLAN

    Barbecue sauce?

    Yes and no. It tends to be regional. Through much of the south, it's tomato based and can be mild or quite spicy. In North Carolina, it's likely to be mustard or vinegar based. In California, those wack-jobs refer to a dry rub as BBQ. The general perception is a tomato-based product...
  9. HomeLAN

    What would you do...

    That's why I say to rebury it. You never found it.
  10. HomeLAN

    What would you do...

    If the local police would truly suspect your gramma of trafficking (and they might - I don't live where you do) - then re-bury it. Pretend you never found it. If they're reasonable, report it.
  11. HomeLAN

    original food fight thread

    *Squirts marshmellow cream at prof, and follows up by slinging 2 month old maraschino cherries at him*
  12. HomeLAN

    original food fight thread

    Because it's a PEANUT BUTTER CUP. Do try to keep up.
  13. HomeLAN

    original food fight thread

    *Returns fire with partially melted, gooey peanut butter cups*
  14. HomeLAN

    Anyone else hear a cricket in here?

    No. They must be on your person. Thus, inventory management becomes a key. Personally, most of my high level characters have 1/3 to 1/2 of their packs filled with charms. Another 1/4 to 1/3 is potions. Makes for two things: High selectiveness in what you pick up, and Frequent trips to...
  15. HomeLAN

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    She had about 20 days left.
  16. HomeLAN

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    I'm still interested, just on a hiatus. I tend to play games in waves, and I've been playing others lately. I will get back to it eventually. I just played both my characters and the mule, so they aren't going anywhere for the next 90 days.
  17. HomeLAN

    Anyone else hear a cricket in here?

    Yep. You really need to get that lightning resistance above 60 before you try to tangle with them too much.
  18. HomeLAN

    Anyone else hear a cricket in here?

    No. In order of nastyness, Itchies, Black Locusts, Plague Bugs, Hell Swarm.
  19. HomeLAN

    Old Mod back in town so watch it!

    Howdy. That's what you get for missing staff meetings. :p
  20. HomeLAN


    Are you farting dust yet?