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  1. S

    Interesting picture

    The first time I saw it I gasped! That was cool.
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    Deep thoughts from the peanut gallery

    I work downtown so I bus it everyday (parking is about $120.00/month!!!!!). Inevitably, a native will approach every person at the bus stop (mostly suits who also bus it back to the 'burbs) and ask for money. Just today, two approached me at seperate times asking for money "to help feed thier...
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    Spirit got roses!!!!!

    Let me get the desk shot.... try again Spirit. sigh
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    Spirit got roses!!!!!

    You are tooooOOOoooo sweet! *smooooooooooch* ok... gonna try to post pics of the roses. I know y'all can't wait to see my desk and stuff *heheh*
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    Where did naptime go?

    I miss my kids naptime!!
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    Spirit got roses!!!!!

    I got a dozen of the most beautiful long stem red roses I have ever seen in my life today!!!!! And now my office smells so pretty! The card said "(insert name of city here) calls her wayward Spirit" **sniff sniff** How sweet is THAT??????? I didn't wanna insert the name of the city...
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    Smartie Pants II

    DOH!!! I forgot to announce the winner for last time! fury won that one... sorry Q :( So.. if you want the prize, you have to send me your mailing address. :) This months Smartie Pants question is: A number of 9 digits has the following properties: The number comprising the...
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    Hi Mudvayne, welcome to the board!!! You know, that really is a philosophical question open to all kinds of interpretation. I think what it boils down to is personal spiritual beliefs. Find your niche and study it from there. :)
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    Hello there, darlin'. I have a limited time on this box and have but one small request for your man wanted type threads. Please do me the courtesy of giving it the title it deserves? Like "Man Wanted Ad" or something? Then I won't waste my time going in it. I am wondering if I am the...
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    XiBase Contests

    I thought about that for all of a tenth of a second... no. :D I coudln't win anyways, I know probably as much as..... Professur's newborn baby. Maybe less as his child may be genetically coded with more comp info than me!
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    I figured as much

    I think New Year's will go by like any other. It's good to err on the side of caution, but let's also not let it rule our lives.
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    come to mama

    Why the influx of "men wanted" ads? Scary!:scared: :scared:
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    Buying Condoms

    :lol: :lol: That's goodie!
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    How long do you

    I don't take mine down until January 7th. I procrastinate because I love the smell of the tree and the lights and the ornaments the kids have made over the years. I keep the decorations up around the house too. s4 - why did you *give up*? Where's the little boy in ya, hun'?
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    My Christmas Wish for you...

    Mmmm... BD, that Gran Marnier tastes good on your tongue...
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    XiBase Contests

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    I think ALL battery operated toys should come with the batteries. I need some, myself...for my toy.:o :p :D :D
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    Who is

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    The unofficial Xi Christmas Tree

    Nice trees! Not sure how that sexy blonde fits into the picture, but what the heck.. oh wait... you have an ornament you wanna hang on her..???? :D
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    XiBase Contests

    My poor, poor, pathethic little processor just told me last night that it really wants a faster one. 166 just isn't cuttin' the mustard anymore. *sigh* woe is me. Do I get a pity win? :D