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  1. W

    yo, putzblock. in here.

    Yup there's no replacement, for Wdeep defacement! Deepy if you choose liven up this place please remember Without you and Props OCN would have the post velocity of the Website development forum It's a shame actually cuz it appears that it will finish out the year without even...
  2. W


    Lassie come home
  3. W

    Lousy weather

    This place hasn't been the fastest growing area in the U.S. for nothing
  4. W

    New Worm Spreading Fast "Gokar"

    When executed, the worm does the following: It creates a email with the following characteristics: Subject: The subject is one of the following: * denotes my personal favorites, this guy has a sense of humor: *If I were God and didn't belive in myself would it be blasphemy *The A-Team VS...
  5. W

    Happy Holidays

    Christmas Party Happy Holidays – enjoy those HOLIDAY parties! To: All Employees Re: Holiday Party December 1st TO: ALL EMPLOYEES I'm happy to inform you that the company Christmas Party will take place on December 23rd at Luigi's Open Pit Barbecue. There will be lots of spiked...
  6. W


    When children result from homosexual encounters, I will re-evaluate my position on this matter... Oh and I loved that Yatta video, it was hilariousness of the highest degree!
  7. W


    Any person or group of people that looks you in the eye and with a straight face tells you that a group of people that engage in deviant behavior should have special rights and privileges, that person or group of people is your enemy. Of course that assumes your not part of the group...
  8. W


    What frightens me is the folks that try to tell you homosexual relationships are normal. I don't care or want to know what you do with a consenting partner behind closed doors, I sure don't want anyone pokin' their nose through my bedroom door. My problem is in someone getting in my...
  9. W

    tell me the worst thing about 2001

    Nothing bad has ever happened to me I guess it's a matter of perspective Perhaps I can work on that...
  10. W

    Some things don't require translation
  11. W

    Zyban Anyone?

    So how about an update, if your back smoking or not? Did the serotonin uptake inhibitor cause you sleeplessness Wazzup? I'm considering Zyban for myself...
  12. W

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Dang a warmer welcome couldn't be afforded to a millionaire in a brothel on a Saturday night j/k Thanks all round... One problem is I don't exactly know how I can best put up posts that will enrich the environment here. To much time on the old board has caused my non-existent net...
  13. W

    Perpetual Welcome Thread
