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  1. PostCode

    Soo... what did ya get.

    I got a battery powered screwdriver. Why she got me this instead of a rechargable one is beyond me. New blue MS keyboard to go with my blue MS mouse, a cheap ass pen and pencil set from her parents (thank god they live in Texas....), and a big ass meat and cheese thingie from Hickory Farms...
  2. PostCode

    xp is pissin me off

    :lol: :lol:
  3. PostCode

    xp is pissin me off

    hehehehe. The drive's name is kept in the MBR. When you changed the MBR, Norton kicked in and did it's job. As for the chair...well, that's your job. :lol:
  4. PostCode

    xp is pissin me off

    That's normal.
  5. PostCode

    Merry Christmas n a Happy New Year

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.
  6. PostCode

    Christmas Present

    hehheheh. No. I wanna tear my monitor apart and dye it black along with the face plate to my CDRW. All black.
  7. PostCode

    Christmas Present

    Oh, and a $200 cash bonus. Cool. Could use that for some parts. :)
  8. PostCode

    Christmas Present

    Ok. Got my Christmas present from my boss this year today. A kick ass black case with a black floppy and CDROM drive. Now, as I understand it, spray painting plastic is a nogo. The best way to get plastic to another color is to dye it. Anyone know anything about this? What I wanna do is pull...
  9. PostCode

    Vacuum tubes in PC's

    No shit. I just wnat to hear the sound quality. Of course, adding another binkie or two to the system would be neat. :)
  10. PostCode

    DirectX 9 Released

    DirectX 9.0 End-User Runtime Download
  11. PostCode

    We need cash

  12. PostCode

    This outta be fun......

    Pop-ups add new twist How much do they think a person can take?
  13. PostCode

    We need cash

    Linux maker Mandrake: We need cash They just haven't figured it out yet. hehehe
  14. PostCode

    Vacuum tubes in PC's

    Warming PC sound with vacuum tubes I might have to get one of those jsut for the hell of it.
  15. PostCode

    2002 NFL playoffs

    I hate football.
  16. PostCode

    Mental Masturbation

    hehehehe :lol: :lol:
  17. PostCode

    Mental Masturbation

    Phone sex? Damn Q! :D
  18. PostCode

    Mental Masturbation

    Your saying this for a to elaborate. And, yes, your absolutely right.
  19. PostCode

    Did Hell just freeze over?

    Install? It's a graphical interface...just as simple as Microsoft, if not more so. KDE3 is WAY more elegant that any desktop MS has put together yet and packs more graphics into a faster interface. With KOffice and Open Office making serious inroads into the importation of MS docs, Linux has...
  20. PostCode

    xp is pissin me off

    It the router handling DHCP? If not, make sure that the IPS and subnet are correct for each machine. Ensure that they are on the same subnet, typically and that the IP is something along the address for each machine. XP home networking works much the same as 98 does...