Search results

  1. fury

    ASUS Transformer

    I checked out a Transformer Prime in store superficially...wasn't impressed enough by Honeycomb to give it a shot. I'm not a fan of Android in general, it just feels a little odd.
  2. fury

    That T-bird's still running, believe it or not

    That T-bird ain't running anymore. :( Still got some life left in it, but I've busted an idler pulley and harmonic balancer. Prolly need to replace the belt too. And I'm fresh out of impact wrenches, ratchets, sockets, jacks, and pullers/installers. This is gonna be fun :beerbang: By busted...
  3. fury

    Standing desks vs. sitting desks

    Spending less time browsing would probably do me some good. :beerbang: I tried to set my desk at home up as a standing desk, but it was too unstable and I couldn't get it to be quite the right height for my arms. Because the angles were so weird and uncomfortable (because of the not-quite-right...
  4. fury

    HP Touchpad

    They were already sold out by the time I saw it. The gadget laid on my shelf collecting dust after the novelty wore off, so I sold it. Got more than my money back, though - $200
  5. fury

    Interruption in email

    So, if anyone but me was still using their email addresses, there was a previously inexplicable outage starting a few months ago. It is still mostly inexplicable, but I think it may have had something to do with me forgetting to blackhole emails sent to recipients that don't exist at...
  6. fury

    Adobe finally admits Flash sucks

    Took you long enough. I've been saying this since before the whole Flash vs. Apple debate was cool.
  7. fury

    Firefox 8.0 out

    /me raises hand They're taking too many pages out of the Chrome play book, and not even the good pages. Aggressive automatic updates & a new version number every time somebody blows their thanks, I will press the update button when I'm good and ready and sure that you aren't still...
  8. fury

    What's your rig, v.2011

    Holy crap. Tri-SLI? What are you doing on that beast? :eek: ...can it run Crysis?
  9. fury


    Yup :beerbang: hiya how are ya?
  10. fury

    Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs 1955-2011 Here's to the crazy one. :beerbang: He was and still is one of the biggest inspirations and reasons for the work that I do, and a pretty high standard to meet. If I could live half as well as he did and die a fraction as well as he did, I will be pretty surprised. But then...
  11. fury

    I think I might have a few too many screens

    :beerbang: my desk at work
  12. fury

    HP Touchpad

    This is the 16 gig. Originally $99, but I paid the late-to-the-party tax and bought it secondhand for $180 because it's out of stock everywhere and only the scalpers are selling them. Still not a bad deal, and I hear HP is making more so I'll get a chance to recoup my loss by playing the same...
  13. fury

    HP Touchpad

    It is quite a bit thicker than the iPad 2, which for some may be good. In my gigantic manhands it's more comfortable to hold because the edges aren't as sharp, although the weight kind of counters that effect a little bit.
  14. fury

    XiBase is now mobile

    Tapatalk is a forum app on the iPhone/iPod/iPad, Android, webOS, Windows Phone 7 and BlackBerry. Showing list of threads: Reading the thread, complete with images and all: Ability to see Who's Online and what they are doing: Search by topics and posts: Upload images directly from...
  15. fury

    XiBase is now mobile

    Forum Runner is an Android/iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad App that allows you to browse this forum using a native client. This means faster access for those users since it only downloads the actual forum information rather than all the extraneous images that slow down the mobile connection. Forum...
  16. fury

    XiBase is now mobile

    I have enabled a couple of mobile forum apps for XiBase, Tapatalk and Forum Runner. Forum Runner has a free app on Android and iPhone that supports reading, or a $2 app that supports posting Tapatalk has an app on just about everything, but it's $3 and up. I think more forums support Tapatalk...
  17. fury

    HP Touchpad

    It feels a bit like what would happen if you merged an iPhone 3GS with an original iPad and then gave it a bit more weight.
  18. fury

    HP Touchpad

    HP doesn't know what to do with webOS and decided to sell off their inventory at a blazing $100-150. I finally picked one up after they've been so hard to find since, and have been geeking on for a few hours with it. Much like I saw with the original Pre in July '09, I can see some potential in...
  19. fury

    The times they are a-changin'

    Two cans and a string :beerbang:
  20. fury

    What does your web look like?

    Mozilla made a test that puts together a collage of your tech/geek/social personality. Basically yet another one of those personality quizzes. Here's mine: :beerbang: They got the wrong phone, though :p