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  1. Professur


    Yep. Found 2 in scrap yards here abouts .... nada. Fortunately there's a good aftermarket for them ... but everything's beefed up and more expensive as a consequence. The piece to hold up the gas tank is over $200.
  2. Professur

    Evidently I'm not that good a teacher.

    Y'know ... you could come up here and help me some.
  3. Professur


    Oddly enough I had to take the friday off work for back spasms from hunching over the damn paperwork. Here's some pics of the Jeep.
  4. Professur

    Evidently I'm not that good a teacher.

    Well ... the Alt belt was slipping a little so I adjusted it again ... and promptly stripped the threaded hole in the aluminium housing. DoH!!! Too bad the kids aren't about to learn how to install a helicoil.
  5. Professur


    Swamped. Company has me fixing smart phones now. Naturally there's no factory support for this. I've got a week left to finish the accounting for the church and get it to the gov't. V4.0's birthday is next weekend, V2.0 a couple of weeks after that. Bought her a beat up old jeep that I've got to...
  6. Professur

    Evidently I'm not that good a teacher.

    The big wagon ('81 oldsmobile custom cruiser) has 3 fan belts ... one to power the AC, one to the power steering, and one for the alternator. Well, it's an easy job so I figured I'd drag V3.0 out on Sunday to learn how it's done. He was interested enough. We pulled off the old ones, carefully...
  7. Professur


  8. Professur

    What are the temps around your place?

    +2C here ... so much for winter.
  9. Professur

    Christmas tunes

    Stop being such a grinch and post your favorite christmas tunes here for all to share.
  10. Professur

    What are the temps around your place?

    -14 here this morning, not including the windchill. Flurries yesterday, today expecting an inch of snow. Where's my flammin global friggin warming???
  11. Professur

    Is this site officially dead?

    Well, you must be left ... nobody would every accuse you of being right
  12. Professur

    Is this site officially dead?

    Who the hell let Winky in???
  13. Professur

    That moment of paternal pride and anguish when ....

    If nobody's told you to go $%@* yerself today, consider that deficit rectified. I set him lines to do .. something the schools don't do anymore. 5 pages. Left him with his sister and grandmother to watch .. half the day .. less than half a page. With me within arm's reach ... half a page in...
  14. Professur

    That moment of paternal pride and anguish when ....

    Your youngest son calls the school principal a Cunt. *:banghead:
  15. Professur

    Is this site officially dead?

    So what? You've not put me through a tenth what Bish has, and I still answer the phone if he calls.
  16. Professur

    Is this site officially dead?

    The sad thing is .. huge is a good guy who thinks he deserves terrible things ... I'm a terrible guy and pretty much nothing bad ever happens to me ... and when it does .. it happens in the best possible way.
  17. Professur

    Is this site officially dead?

    Don't make me have Flurfy pull up the backups dood.
  18. Professur

    Is this site officially dead?

    Huge .. c'mon up here for the weekend .. I've got a larp going that'll make you feel like a new man.
  19. Professur


    Just caught myself thinking ... One of the children here at work (25 years old) scheduled a week of vacation time for the release of GTA5 ... and I thought to myself ... how friggin pathetic do you have to be for the release of a video game to warrant a week's vacation time? Then it occurred to...