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  1. Gonzo

    Urgent appeal; Please get us out of here.

    You are now a banned member
  2. Gonzo

    Urgent appeal; Please get us out of here.

  3. Gonzo


    Just wait until he discovers Pokemon/Digimon/Yu-Gi-Oh
  4. Gonzo

    Call of Duty

    *ka-ching ka-ching ka-ching* No but I can sure as hell hear it
  5. Gonzo

    Call of Duty

    Nice timing. COD 2 is released in about 10 minutes
  6. Gonzo

    Happy Birthday, Sammy!

    Another one? You're gonna passs me real soon. :eekhaha: :hbd:
  7. Gonzo

    Is it just me

    It seems to be business as usual. What chased you off?
  8. Gonzo

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    I must be the only one looking stupid on Battlefield 2.
  9. Gonzo

    I see you, BigDadday!

    Not too good it seems. :(
  10. Gonzo

    Which Family Guy character are you?

    My kid could live on Family Guy & the Simpsons. In fact, he does. He believes they are the funniest shows ever writen. I don't like FG much....too juvenile. The dog is the only half-assed normal character on the show & he's friggin dog. Go figure.
  11. Gonzo

    Which Family Guy character are you?

    I would have preferred the dog
  12. Gonzo

    Which Family Guy character are you?

    Stewie Griffin
  13. Gonzo

    Blasts rock Olympic hosts London as G8 leaders meet in Scotland

    Four explosions, 33 confirmed dead & 300+ confirmed injured...per London officials. I believe that this may re-awaken those who forgot why we're at war & the English aren't the type to cut & run atthe first sign of bloodshed.
  14. Gonzo

    Blasts rock Olympic hosts London as G8 leaders meet in Scotland

    Islamo-fascists mad about the G8 & London hosting the 2012 games.
  15. Gonzo

    It's dead, Jim

    On life support & failing
  16. Gonzo

    OK, you put it on him

  17. Gonzo

    In Here, Huge

    Trying to sneak it past us are you? :hbd:
  18. Gonzo


    They're still red X's but I could upload a custom one
  19. Gonzo


    Speaking of avatar...since when can't we use custom ones & the pre-defined ones are all rex 'X's
  20. Gonzo

    Now I've seen it all

    That's also how he'd look with people that did know him