Whatcha doing this weekend?


New Member
Our village has just erected our first park, a HUGE accomplishment, so they are having a 'do' down there for the kiddies on Saturday, music, bbq, games, etc, so we'll be heading there in the afternoon.

Sunday morning afternoon/evening we'll be doing the beer/bbq/bonfire party thing, and the rest of my weekend will be garden weeding, it looks like.


Staff member
I have a very exciting weekend planned. Clean the house, do laundry, watch TV, install my psu and maaaybe wash the dogs.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Pressure washing the pool deck on Saturday, dinner with my old boss Sat night. Re-installing some software for somebody Sunday morning, laying around a lot.


Going to graduation tonight (I'm a junior, just watching some friends, and finding out how honest some of them are [about my situation]). Working at the pool. Getting yelled at by <i>her</i>. Tons :)