What are your thoughts?

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
There is no way that they will give the pilots real bullets. Conair planes don't have guns onboard, only tazers(sp?).

No matter what they do there will always be a way to get a weapon on the plane. So what if they take the knives away, is there still not a fork that they give with the meal? or is it gong to be only finger foods being served?


anything that will improve my odds of not flying into a building is cool with me.



Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
How about, as each passenger embarks the plane, the greeting steward(ess) hands each passenger, over 18, a .38 with quick shatter bullets. Then, upon disembarkment, they must get the gun back from each passenger. If everybody is armed nobody will hijack it & the pilot can do his job and fly NOT into buildings.

Seriously, I'm still unsure-quick fixes usually have major unforseen drawbacks.


this is my special title
Get rid of that flimsy door to the cockpit and replace it with something solid and airtight. The pilot should be trained by the federal marshall service and should carry a gun... should have a way of releasing a knock out gas into the plane if need be. The cockpit should never be allowed to be breached by invaders. The pilots should set down at the nearest airport ASAP regardless of threats and butchery against the passengers and crew.

It makes me feel safer to know that at least one good guy on the plane would be armed. Can't allow the bad guys to usurp all of the advantages.


Eee equals emcee squared...
I agree with the idea. All pilots should be armed and the FAA should require yearly firearm training sessions.

I believe the arming of pilots should go hand-in-hand with cockpit doors that are reinforced as well (as Uncle H. said...). At no time should the pilot open the cockpit door.................. MHO. :D


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
I'm in favor on 2 conditions. First train 'em. Second, load the damn things with Glazer safety slugs or something similar. I'd rather not experience both a hijacking and explosive decompression, thanks.


Staff member
The explosive decompression thing is what worries me. You can't just have a big shoot out on a plane...even if the good guys are the ones doing the shooting. Also, has anyone considered the possiblility that the bad guys could potentially take the guns away from the good guys?


Mushroom at large
I want everyone armed. Who the **** is gonna try to hijack a plane knowing that everyone on board is armed?


Staff member
A psycho...that's who. Now who wants to argue that these terrorists aren't psychos? They all stepped on those planes knowing it would be the last thing they ever do. If 2 or 3 terrorists get on a plane and start shooting...all the armed passengers and crew are gonna start shooting back....next thing ya know holes all over the plane...plane crashes.


Mushroom at large
No, I disagree Q. They weren't psychos. They were fanatics. There's a difference. And if they thought they couldn't take the plane and keep it flying, they wouldn't have done it. they were counting on the passengers just sitting quiet and letting them do what they wanted. Let's face it, boxcutters? You can slash someone up with one, but getting a kill with one would be pretty tough. They were counting that noone would fight back.


Staff member
Actually a box cutter with a brand new blade is alot more dangerous than you'd imagine. I know. I sliced my finger to the bone with one about a year ago. It required 2 stiches inside and 3 outside for a cut that was less than 1/2 inch. I still have no feeling in that finger. There is no doubt in my mind you could easily cut someones throat with one and kill them with one slash. I will agree that these people were fanatics, but they were psychos as well. No one in their right mind kills innocent civilians to furthur their cause. And although they had definate targets in mind, I think their ultimate goal was to create fear and chaos, which would be effectively accomplished by crashing a plane, with or without a target. If everyone is armed the potential for disaster is imminent.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by Q
No one in their right mind kills innocent civilians to furthur their cause.

The Christians did it for over 200 years in the same vein-making Christanity the worlds religion. The Crusades...


Mushroom at large
Originally posted by Q
There is no doubt in my mind you could easily cut someones throat with one and kill them with one slash

Sure, if the other person is sitting down and you get him from behind. In a standup fight, a boxcutter's blade would snap off if it were extended far enough to actually do any serious damage. And a jacket in your off hand, used as a shield, would tangle it and probably snap the blade on the first pass.


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
Last time I flew (in August). There was a fight that broke out in the back of the plane over someone reclining their seat back (it goes back about 1", right). Well, apparently this old black man was in the back row. This filipino lady reclines her seat back. The old man starts screaming "MY KNEES, MY KNEES, YOUR CRUSHING MY KNEES!!". Well, the daughter sitting next to him pushes back on the seat. They start arguing vehimently. At one point I unbuckled my seatbelt thinking that they were going to come to blows (after the flight attendent checked on them).

Anyway, arming passengers is NOT a good idea! Also, what about the holdout that wants a smoke. Now he has a gun on that 8 hour flight........


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Allow smoking....notice, there was no air rage before they condemned smoking on planes-no hijackings in over 25 years either


Mushroom at large
Originally posted by patweb
Last time I flew (in August). There was a fight that broke out in the back of the plane over someone reclining their seat back (it goes back about 1", right). Well, apparently this old black man was in the back row. This filipino lady reclines her seat back. The old man starts screaming "MY KNEES, MY KNEES, YOUR CRUSHING MY KNEES!!". Well, the daughter sitting next to him pushes back on the seat. They start arguing vehimently. At one point I unbuckled my seatbelt thinking that they were going to come to blows (after the flight attendent checked on them).

Anyway, arming passengers is NOT a good idea! Also, what about the holdout that wants a smoke. Now he has a gun on that 8 hour flight........

if he'd been armed, that woman in front would have checked her clearance first. Wouldn't you?


Staff member
Oh great idea! Just put one of those WWII style cigarette ladies on each plane. Cigar? Cigarette?? semi-automatic weapon?:rolleyes: