weather report for afgahns


Weather report for Kabul, Afghanistan:

Today:  Partly sunny, temp in the 80s and winds from the west at 10 mph.

Tomorrow:  Sunny in the morning, temperatures rising in the afternoon to 3000 degrees and winds approaching 750 mph.

Have a nice day.


It wont happen. If anything, it will be like Vietnam. They wont use nukes unless someone else does first or attacks with biological weapons.


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
Bin Laden and Taliban MAY have as many as 20 functional nukes.

They PROBABLY don't have the facilities to launch any.

BUT, could you imagine the guy's thought who would be carrying one into Pakistan (remember The Stand?).


New Member
Originally posted by alex
Weather report for Kabul, Afghanistan:

Today:  Partly sunny, temp in the 80s and winds from the west at 10 mph.

Tomorrow:  Sunny in the morning, temperatures rising in the afternoon to 3000 degrees and winds approaching 750 mph.

Have a nice day.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: