There was warning


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
sometimes the little guy see's the big picture...

Washington Times said:
FBI Warned of Training Before 11th
By John Solomon
Associated Press Writer
Friday, May 3, 2002; 1:57 AM

WASHINGTON –– Two months before the suicide hijackings, an FBI agent in Arizona alerted Washington headquarters that several Middle Easterners were training at a U.S. aviation school and recommended contacting other schools nationwide where Arabs might be studying, law enforcement officials said.

The FBI sent the intelligence to its terrorism experts in Washington and New York for analysis and had begun discussing conducting a nationwide canvass of flight schools when the Sept. 11 tragedies occurred, officials told The Associated Press.

At least one leader of the 19 hijackers, Hani Hanjour, received flight training in Arizona in 2001 but his name had not surfaced in the FBI intelligence from Arizona, the officials said.

None of the Middle Eastern men identified by the Arizona counterterrorism agents or any information contained in their July 2001 memo pointed to the suicide plot that leveled the World Trade Center and killed thousands in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, officials said.

"None of the people identified by Phoenix are connected to the Sept. 11 attacks," FBI Assistant Director John Collingwood said Thursday night.

"The Phoenix communication went to appropriate operational agents and analysts but it did not lead to uncovering the impending attacks," Collingwood said.

Officials said FBI counterterrorism agents in Phoenix had "suspicions" about why several Arab men were seeking airport operations, security information and pilot training and recommended, among other things, that the FBI begin alerting local agents when Middle Easterners sought visas for training at local aeronautical schools, officials said.