The sexual revoltion failed


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Does anyone really cares who Rosey sleeps with? Is the marked upswing in teen birthrates a good thing? Should teens be forced to take a "human sexuality" course? Is homosexuality normal? Does it really matter? Why do we have this sudden outburst of pedophiles? and more importantly, why is the APA supporting them?
What is, this week, the definition of sexual harasment?
STD's have grown exponentially in the last 20 or so years:
<LI>Genital Warts

All of this for a little non-committed sex. Take the slut out of his/her rounds & watch this list diminish almost overnight. Interpersonal relations without the benefit of marriage seems to have taken us in the wrong direction. Shouldn't we strive for less diseases & more interdependence?

How have these things, or the sexual revolution improved our species?


Staff member
One thing it has apparently not accomplished yet is teaching the bad assed teenagers of today just how bad a little fun can hurt someone in the end. I don't know of anybody that would want any of those diseases listed there, because they're all horrible inflictions, yet the rate of new victims has not decreased.

Makes you kind of wonder where all our common sense went.


i really don't see how i can make a joke in this thread...

*s4 shakes head and goes on to something else


Official Wine Taster
I'm still searchin' fer a heart of gold, an' I'm gettin' old. "Rosey " will do 'til I find 'er! (least "Rosey's "safe")

Besides, I've never been much of a "gambler" anyhow! Commitment suits me jus' fine! :)


New Member
First off, Rosie O'Donnell has alluded to being gay before, and no one cared. I guess she felt she had to make a public announcement to get some attention (how are her ratings btw?) but overall, I think the general concensus is still that no one cares.

I think a Sex Ed course in school is a good thing if done right but what grade do you start in? At what age do kids become 'self aware' and start thinking of sexual pleasure? I honestly don't remember but we never had Sex Ed while I was in school.


^ bored.
We had some very basic sex education, but that was discussed in a very unpersonal way, no real attention was given to it. I think they should do more about it... it has already been proved that teens which had sex ed are less likely to experiment (and more importantly; experiment unsafe) early, so why not?

At least my parents were aware of that...


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
the only sex ed course needed is a course in basic Biology-how & why things happen. There is zero reason to teach 16 years old horny idiots "how" to felate or perform cunninglingus. They don't need to know the difference between the Greek, the Iranian & the French positions. Why should a 15 year old know this stuff?


New Member
Wow! What Sex Ed course have you been to Gonzo? ;) I don't think they should teach that either. They should teach the biology of it, but most importantly, the dangers and responsibility that goes along with it.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Agreed GF, but they DO teach those, and more, in some classes...


New Member
Really? :eek: Probably in California, right? ;) Seriously, where do they teach that sorta thing? Maybe I'm not as informed as I should be, but I didn't think schools in my neck of the woods taught Sex Ed to begin with, much less how to perform sexual acts.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
In numerous high schools across Massachusetts, entire days have been devoted to "Gay/Lesbian and Transgender" programs, and academic classes are cancelled and students are led to the activities, including panels, speakers, etc.

At a required school assembly in Chelmsford, an instructor used four-letter words, described the joys of oral and anal sex, and had children participate in licking condoms

Newton, MA: 9th grade girls in the health classes are assigned to go to a drug store and buy condoms, and practice putting them on a banana.

At the Lexington High School's Resource Center, a parent found out that her thirteen-year-olds could borrow a book (bought with state health funds) telling how gay men at the opera can socialize with "the backs of their trousers discreetly parted so they could experience a little extra pleasure while viewing the spectacle on stage."

At Silver Lake High School, the ninth-grade health text teaches: "Testing your ability to function sexually and to give pleasure to another person may be less threatening in the early teens with people of your own sex." Also, "You may come to the conclusion that growing up means rejecting the values of your parents." Students were told to keep the book in their lockers and not take it home.
- Boston Globe

Newton, MA: School officials announced in the local newspapers that masturbation would be covered in the required courses for ninth grade.
- Newton WEEKLY GRAPHIC, "Plan OK'd amid sex ed furor: Tense emotions surround vote," May 13, 1993, 1.

From the Office of National AIDS Policy:

65% of teens are sexually active by the 12th grade;20% of them have four or more partners.
50% of all new HIV infections occur in 13-24 year olds -- more than 20,000 youngsters last year.
123,000 young Americans developed AIDS in their 20s. This means they were infected with HIV in their teens!

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
At a required school assembly in Chelmsford, an instructor used four-letter words, described the joys of oral and anal sex, and had children participate in licking condoms
These people are sick. The ones that teach this and the ones that let them.


Staff member
We have sex ed here. It covers the biology of it and we are also SHOWN what birthcontrol pills looks like, what a condom looks like and what various other forms of contraceprive look like but we do not ever touch them or practice any sort of "activity" with them.