The RIAA is ticking me off


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I just converted my entire cd collection to mp3s; they're annoying as hell. :cuss:

[quoteurl=]The RIAA Might Want To Sue You For Downloading Music

The Wall Street Journal reported today that a number of the major media conglomerates have authorized the Recoding Industry of America (RIAA) to start suing individuals who publicly share copywritten music files. Their target will be people with the largest collections of copywritten music available on file sharing networks like Gnutella. Their goal is to make a public statement that the music industry isn’t going to stand for having their music traded freely on the internet despite the grassroots consumer popularity of peer to peer music sharing networks like Gnutella and the now defunct Napster.

Metallica’s drummer, Lars Ulrich, publicly attacked end users (AKA: Metallica’s young fan base) for downloading music on Napster during testimony in front of Congress in 2000. At the time Metallica had been the most successful, most popular band in rock for over ten years. In the two years since then, their popularity has waned. Limp Bizkit, the most Napster friendly band ever, is now arguably the king of the hill when it comes to rock and roll popularity and sales. Now it looks like Hilary Rosen of the RIAA is picking up where Ulrich left off by directly attacking and insulting those who buy the most records and are most enthusiastic about music. It is most definitely Rosen’s job to protect the interests of the record labels and their copywritten music however in the second down year in a row for the music industry, an industry that historically doesn’t have off years, Rosen’s timing is likely making some record execs cringe.



Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
At the time Metallica had been the most successful, most popular band in rock for over ten years. In the two years since then, their popularity has waned. Limp Bizkit, the most Napster friendly band ever, is now arguably the king of the hill when it comes to rock and roll popularity and sales.

Is there a pattern developing? :snicker: