The error mesage I recieve,,,,


Everday People

An Exception OE has occurred at 0028:0009472E in VxD SYMTDI(01)+000161E6. This was called from 0028:C1AA598A in VxD (01) +000000BA. It may be possible to continue normally.

* Press any key to continue.

* Press CTRL=ALT+DEL to restart your computer. You will lose any unsaved information in all applications.

Press Any Key To Continue

If I do I still have to reboot as I cannot use the web????


New Member
What were you doing when you got that? Have you searched the Microsoft KB for it? Have you added any new drivers lately? VxD is a virtual device driver, perhaps for the 56k modem you're using?


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
It's Norton Internet Security or Personal Firewall that's doing this. Try uninstalling the product then reinstall it and run the Live Update. Hope this helps.


New Member
I'm sorry BD, I was talking about the Microsoft Knowledge Base. If you go to the Microsoft website, click on the 'Support' link on the top right, then choose Knowledge Base, you can enter your operating system (or program name) and then enter the error message and it will spit out a bunch of articles. Most of them will suck, but sometimes you get a good one that gives you some hints or workarounds.