Supreme Court Rulings


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Court OKs Random Drug Tests in Schools
Thu Jun 27,10:23 AM ET
By ANNE GEARAN, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court approved random drug tests for many public high school students Thursday, ruling that schools' interest in ridding their campuses of drugs outweighs an individual's right to privacy.

The 5-4 decision would allow the broadest drug testing the court has yet permitted for young people whom authorities have no particular reason to suspect of wrongdoing. It applies to students who join competitive after-school activities or teams, a category that includes many if not most middle-school and high-school students.

Previously these tests had been allowed only for student athletes.

High Court Approves School Vouchers
Thu Jun 27,11:09 AM ET
By ANNE GEARAN, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Constitution allows public money to underwrite tuition at religious schools as long as parents have a choice among a range of religious and secular schools, the Supreme Court ruled Thursday.

The 5-4 ruling led by the court's conservative majority further erodes the figurative wall separating church and state and clears a constitutional cloud from school vouchers, an education idea dear to political conservatives and championed by President Bush ( news - web sites).

Opponents call vouchers a fraud that will only siphon tax money from struggling public schools.