Summer colds


this is my special title
I should have suspected something when I just wasn't feeling like my old self around 40 hours ago. I was in bed when I started feel my body temp do little spikes and then settle off. I thought it was from a little too much sun exposure as I was out in the yard for 5 hours. It took me several hours to get to sleep. Sleep was shallow at best and I was dragging all day and dragging with a headache today. All of a sudden at 11pm est while sitting here at the computer I get massive chill waves and muscle spasms down my back and arms. I don't have much of a fever. I'm neither stuffy in the head or chest. I'm starting to get pain all across my back. It sounds like a good old case of the flu is about to slap me down. Ugg. I need this like I need a hole in the head. Someone go out and stock me up on orange juice.


Kissy Goddess
:( I will come and feed you a ton of Vit C and TLC and all that C stuff.

Hope you feel better quick!!!!!


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by Spirit
:( I will come and feed you a ton of Vit C and TLC and all that C stuff.

Hope you feel better quick!!!!!

C-stuff, hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm :D


I caught pneumonia in the summer about 5 years ago. It took a whole month to recover.


this is my special title
Ack. Face has gone a fairly bright red...Fever kicking up. (cough) Pretty much everything hurts now.. .. Lips and eyes drying out. . .. . Supplies running low .... ... .. .the water has gone foul . . .

. - -_-... . vision failing,,.. .... ..

...... . ..= /.. ... ...we had to eat cabin boy Jones. (hack) ,, ..

................ .. .. . .. .. rosebud,,,

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Thats what you get for drinking too much Bovril. :D

Hope you feel better.

Hey Spirit, I'm not feeling so good, cough,cough,cough. Come take care of me now. ;) :D


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
If you're serious, Unc, post a shopping list. I'll have it over there on my way home from work.


this is my special title
I'm mobile... Its just that everything muscular hurts in a sunburn like fashion while my joints all hurt like hell. Theres a headache in there somewhere as well... but its kinda down the priority list. The fever has backed off for now.

I have had the flu in the past and this just doesn't feel like it. The flu has a few more symptoms that I am used to and am not experiencing with whatever I have at the moment. I have been doing a serious amount of yardwork over the last 3 days. Mowing, edging, weed pulling, hedge trimming, tree sawing, vine clearing... that kind of stuff. I'm starting to think that either a spider hit me with an annoying muscle toxin or a mosquito has given me some kind of annoying low grade virus.

Steve, Don't worry about picking anything up for me. Toby and Tina have already volunteered. ...not that I have any kind of hunger or thirst anyway. I just need to go hide in a dark room.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
TheraFlu, water, Vitamin C, Orange Juice.....
BE A MAN, get over it, it's only a viral/bacterial infection in which the buggers are really small & you're much bigger-c'mon :cry:


Everday People
They've reported that the Nile Virus is here but is also not that good of a chance a human would get it. You are a human aren't you?:D At any rate do you have any standing water that has gotten stagnant and possibly a mosquito has bitten you? BD :scared: :worm: :worm: :worm:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by BigDadday
They've reported that the Nile Virus is here

AND KEEP IT THERE-we don't need it in IN-we're just getting around to using aspirin :lol:


this is my special title
Originally posted by Gonzo
TheraFlu, water, Vitamin C, Orange Juice.....
BE A MAN, get over it, it's only a viral/bacterial infection in which the buggers are really small & you're much bigger-c'mon :cry:
I'm bigger than Bruce Lee as well, but I doubt that I would last long against him. I may be bigger than the infection, but there are millions of the little bastards running loose and hiding in my organs. What am I supposed to do? Punch my liver several times and demand immediate surrender? They powers that be would would lock me up in a soft room.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by unclehobart
I'm bigger than Bruce Lee as well, but I doubt that I would last long against him. I may be bigger than the infection, but there are millions of the little bastards running loose and hiding in my organs. What am I supposed to do? Punch my liver several times and demand immediate surrender? They powers that be would would lock me up in a soft room.

Punching yourself :rolleyes: NOOO! :rolleyes: .Go outside into the heat & do MANLY work, shoot weeds, set the grass on fire, build a barn, dig a coal mine & then mine it, rebuild your engine, if the heat & humidity don't kill you -the internal irritant is sure to die ;)


this is my special title
Yardwork is what did this to me in the first place. Besides, after the three days I've already spent out there, there isn't a whole lot to do. My neighborhood covenants frown on building a coal mine anywhere near my property... not to mention the fact that there isn't any coal within 150 miles. I'll probably have to do some skeet fishing.


this is my special title
36 hours into it I feel much better. All I have left is a severe headache and the severe sweats. It must be some kind of bug because my roomie caught it as well.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by unclehobart
36 hours into it I feel much better. All I have left is a severe headache and the severe sweats. It must be some kind of bug because my roomie caught it as well.

Glad to hear you're better.
The severe sweats are probably from the HHH conditions in these parts lately. C'mon, build that mine-screw the neighbors :lol: