Step Back Jack the US is on your Back


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Looks like the slow, huge invasion is prepraing to take place...

Say G'Night Saddam

By HARRY DUNPHY, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites), vowing to "use all the means at our disposal," said Friday he believes U.S. allies would support aggressive action against Iraq and other rogue nations to fight terrorism.


I think something will come of it, and I also think the comments about Iran will be a motivating factor for Iran to side with Iraq. Afganistan was only the beginning the way I see it.


Staff member
Yea i believe bush is gonna do this. If nothing else to keep peoples minds off cheany and enron.


this is my special title
Neo said:
Yea i believe bush is gonna do this. If nothing else to keep peoples minds off cheany and enron.
Oh puh-lease.... You can't be serious. It would be more plausible to say that the whole thing was construed by Gary Condit to shake the whole Chandra Levy thing.


Staff member
Unc, and why wouldnt he? I am neither dem or rep. But i do think it is plausible. Hell nobody thought we would really end up in afganistan but hey guess what were there and staying for a while. What would lead you to believe that he wont?