Question for the Gurus here.


Everday People
I have not been able to go to XP Pro because of this,

HighPoint Technology inc. HPT366 Ultra DMA Controller?????????

I only know it is in my add/remove programs but what is it for is another thing????


Staff member
that is the hard drive controller for Abit mother boards.... go to Abit's web site and get a new version(xp compatable) put it on a floppy disk.. and when first installing xp it will say"press F4 to install any 3rd party drive controllers" insert floppy to coppy files then you can resume the xp installition here


Everday People
Thnx all I have to is get it now as they are slowwwwwwwwww.:) That is one big relief tho thnx again.BD