Question about Zimbabwe


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Ok, the (generally) white British farmers have been feeding the country for, what, decades? They know how to run a farm. They know how to run a business. They know how to keep famine at bay.

So, along come Robert Mugabe & with a swish of his magical, albeit well armed, hand, the countries white farmers have to give up their homes/farms for no, zero, zilch, nada, restitution. If they do not follow President Mugabe's order, they can be kicked off forcibly & jailed. Gotta love communism. Let the people have their land back is the overall sentiment. Even Mrs Mugabe, it seems, wanted a farm. She & her henchmen showed up, said you have 24 hours. They removed the couple from their lifelong home (btw, they were in their 70's) with force.

Now, the world press is beginning to have reports of starvation in Zimbabwe. The locals are cutting trees by the acre to sell, in order to get money to buy imported food (again, btw, Pres Mugabe won't allow American imported food because it may have been genetically altered). They are also killing local, sometimes endangered wildlife to eat.

Now for the questions:

Where is Greenpeace or PETA or any of the other imperialistic groups that hate the US? They are killing and eating animals fer christsake. They are cutting timber, leading to global warming.

Who's gonna use that land to make food? The locals can't or won't. You'd think a few of them would've kept an eye on how to farm when they worked on the farms, maybe learned a little something.

Where is the global, or at least the American, press? Jeezuz Jehosafat, when we don't pay restitution to those related to those who we released from involuntary servitude over a century ago, the NY Times runs extras. The SF Chronicle claims we a a nation of homophobic, racist, carnivorous cretins with no respect for the dignity of the downtrodden. HEY, paper/TV/radio guys & gals, LOOK IN AFRICA, there is racism AND slavery going on...LOOK LOOK, see, right there. You can even have the scoop.

Why isn't anyone doing a story on Mugabe? After all, he is a Catholic leader & that's bad, isn't it? He has his political rivals killed. He's married to a woman less than half his age. He had 2 kids, with his secretary, while his first wife was dying of cancer. Even Desmond Tutu thinks he's a fool. Come on, where's the uproar?

All this while the elite are fine dining just a short trip away.

And finally...why doesn't anyone give a shit about the farmers? If it was the Danes stealing land from the Jamaicans there would be a revolution. I just don't get it.

I'm sooooo confused :confused: