Oh, look at the cute baby...


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
and it's 27lbs of C4



Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Baby bomber picture stirs Israeli anger
Palestinians brainwashing children, Sharon aide says
By Ramit Plushnick-Masti
Associated Press

JERUSALEM - The Israeli army distributed a photograph of a wide-eyed Palestinian baby dressed like a suicide bomber - complete with a Hamas headband and what appeared to be an explosives belt - stirring anger Friday among Israelis, who accused Palestinians of arming their children with hatred.
The authenticity of the picture, which was splashed across the front pages of Israeli newspapers, and whether the explosives and ammunition were real could not be verified. But the picture incensed Israelis, who have been targeted in 71 suicide bombings that have killed 251 Israelis in the past 21 months.

"Terror in Diapers" read the headline on the front page of the Israeli newspaper Maariv along with the picture of the baby, who appeared to be 12 to 18 months old. The daily Yediot Ahronot also ran the picture on Page 1, under the headline "Chilling Costume."

Dore Gold, an adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, said the picture "symbolizes the incitement and hatred which the Palestinian leadership has been using to brainwash an entire generation of Palestinian children."


Staff member
That's a pretty disturbing piece of propaganda, even if it is a fake. :eek: