NIC and Intel Pro DSL 2100, ICS?


Professional Ass-Kicker
Ok folks. Here's the deal:

I've got 2 computers. My workstation runs WinXP pro. It has 1 3Com 3C905TX, and one Intel Pro DSL/2100 for my DSL connection. My Server runs Win2000 Advanced Server and has a 3Com 3C905TX in it.

My question. If I set up a domain with Advanced Server, can I log onto the domain from the workstation, and still use the DSL card for my Internet access? My guess is that I will have to put my DSL card's address as the default gateway on the Workstation's NIC. Am I correct? As soon as I get a crossover cable, I'd like to get this little puppy working. Any ideas?

Much appreciated!



Professional Ass-Kicker
Well, it's all hooked up... I can see my domain controller. Looks like I can't get onto the net under a domain account. Duh.. I'm sure my provider just doesn't allow ANYONE to use their DNS server. I should have thought of that before! Anyway, when I log on locally, I can get to the net only if I disable the other NIC. Again, most likely a DNS problem. Are there any DNS gurus here that can tell me whether or not there is a workaround so that I can use my domain account and get onto the web? I have DNS server installed on the other computer...btw..


Staff member
Chase, have you tried to put 2 nics into your server? Using 1 to connect to your dsl line and the other to your network. This is what i do with a couple cmm machines at work. It allows the guys to still connect to the cmm and to the domain to surf.
might be worth a shot.


Professional Ass-Kicker

Looks like I'm running into a DNS problem. I wonder if I can make my DNS server a caching-only server....Hmm... How can I do that I wonder....