

Kissy Goddess
This is the absolute WORST year for mosquitos here! My whole body has been bitten by the little bitches and I itch all over :cry:

Anyone else have a problem with them?

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Originally posted by Spirit
This is the absolute WORST year for mosquitos here! My whole body has been bitten by the little bitches and I itch all over :cry:

Anyone else have a problem with them?

If I was a mosquitos and I saw you. I'd bite you all over too!


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Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Got bit probably 40-50 times on my face alone why I was backpacking. Other than that, it's been a rather calm water to make them.


Kissy Goddess
We had a week of some good rain *scratch* and they all came out in hourdes!!*scratch scratch* Gazillions of them!*scratch,bleed,scratch* And they ALL came right at me, I swear!!

waaaaaaaa!!!! :(


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Take garlic. Missy does and whenever we go backpacking the little bastards ignore her for the most part and feast on my ass.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Yeah, they've been showing up down here as well. Atlanta's had a fairly damp summer (rain every afternoon), and the little bastards are everywhere. I can't go out to the pool for more than an hour before I'm covered in bites.


One of a Kind
I really don't think they have been that bad here. I have not gotten bit, *knocks on wood* There are a shit load of spiders though. Ugh!

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
:eek: I hate those little vampires. It's hot where you are? Just put a fan blowing air direcly on yourself. That's what makes me survive during summer nights...


I got bit around my ankles and I scratched the crap outta them and made them bleed...turns out I had poison ivy too on my about adding insult to injury.


Staff member
We had the windows open in the house and they got in. I fell asleep in my chair and the next morning my ankles and feet were covered in bites... Looks like chicken pox or something. :lol:


Staff member
I once had a patch of a dozen or so mosquito bites localized to my shoulder. The urge to itch was so bad I had to practically sit on my arms to make sure I wouldn't scratch.