More terrorist attacks?



On tv they are saying there is a possiblity of more terrorist attacks:

I saw on tv there are people protesting the war that think we should get out of Afganistan. My question for them is how many terrorist attacks are you willing to put up with? Aren't these people really just cowards? If they don't like the US going after the terrorists, I think they should be deported to Afganistan. I am damn sick of terrorists.


New Member
It's just like Bezerkely to go crazy! I'm sick and tired of the Berkeley, the land of fruits and nuts, protesting everything in site. Do those hippies-limp-wrist protestors ever agree with Uncle Sam?

PS: Flavio, no offense dude. I'm just upset at the protestors, and Berkeley seems to be crawling with them.



They love their Freedom ,But would never serve their country to protect it ,They love making their money ,and being able to say whats on their minds but wouldnt give a rats ass in protecting those AWESOME rights.

They dont even have the tolerance for those who step up and are brave enough too ,to let them do what is needed they rather complain and bitch and moan ,I say screw them ,and hopefully the next terrorist attack takes them out.!


New Member
Originally posted by Deanril

They love their Freedom ,But would never serve their country to protect it ,They love making their money ,and being able to say whats on their minds but wouldnt give a rats ass in protecting those AWESOME rights.

They dont even have the tolerance for those who step up and are brave enough too ,to let them do what is needed they rather complain and bitch and moan ,I say screw them ,and hopefully the next terrorist attack takes them out.!

I'm glad we see eye to eye! ;)


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
It took me 15 minutes to get into my building this morning; they are searching everything!