Man Exits Bunker When Beer Thirst Overtakes Xmas Dread



LONDON (Reuters) - A British man who went underground behind blast-proof doors and thick concrete to avoid a family Christmas has emerged early because he was "dying for a pint" of beer.

Colin Wood, a 30-year-old financial services worker, entered the decommissioned nuclear bunker in Essex, east of London, on Thursday and planned to stay for another week.

"It was great but I was dying for a pint and the idea of a spending another week was too much," he told Reuters Monday.

Wood paid $430 at an Internet auction for a two-week stay in the bunker.

He said he took such extreme action because he abhorred Christmas and all its trimmings.

"It's OK in theory but the running around, the buying of presents for people you don't like, the family bickering, the endless turkey and terrible films on TV are just too much," he said.

Imagine two weeks in a nuclear shelter with no beer? :scared:
I don't drink, and I do not really like christmas, but there are other options than spending it in a nuclear bunker....

If somebody doesn't like spending christmas with the family, he or she should just say so (and come and spend their time here at XiBase ;))


this is my special title
He should have brought in a case of champagne and rented a pair of classy hookers for the week for that bunker. Nothing says 'bah humbug' quite like doing the nasty with a pair of drunk hookers in a bomb shelter on Christmas day.