I told you Ohio was nuts


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
get a load of this character..the former, not-so-honorable Rep Traficant

By JESSE J. HOLLAND, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The House on Wednesday expelled Ohio Rep. James Traficant for taking bribes and kickbacks, only the second time since the Civil War that it has removed a sitting member for unethical conduct.

Representatives voted 420-1 to immediately banish the nine-term Democrat after a federal jury in Cleveland convicted him and a House ethic panel recommended his removal. Nine lawmakers voted present.

Traficant, 61, was defiant to the end.

"I'm prepared to lose everything. I'm prepared to go to jail. You go ahead and expel me," he said, maintaining his innocence and claiming that government prosecutors coerced witnesses to lie to win the court convictions against him.

In his final plea, the House veteran of nearly 18 years told his colleagues, "My people elected me and I don't think you should take their representative away." But he added, "Vote your conscience. Nothing personal. I hope I'm back."

Only Rep. Gary Condit, D-Calif., who was defeated in a primary for re-election after he was romantically linked with Chandra Levy, a government intern who was murdered, voted against Traficant's expulsion.

"He traded his official office and powers repeatedly for money, for labor, for equipment at his farm and other things," said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., another member of the ethics panel.

Dozens of House members sat attentively in their seats, and the usually bustling chamber was quiet as Traficant argued that there was no physical evidence against him, accused the judge in his criminal trial of corruption and said government prosecutors had a vendetta against him.

Known for his flashy clothes, wild hair and arm-waving theatrical rants against government prosecutors and tax collectors, Traficant even drew some subdued chuckles from lawmakers when he quipped about using a "Weed Wacker" to cut his hair and referred to his '70s-style bell-bottom trousers.

"I feel like there's an elephant beneath my ascot," Traficant said as he walked over to the House chamber, just before Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., turned the House's attention to the resolution on expelling the Ohio congressman.

Despite his Democrat label, Traficant has few allies in his party. For years, he has angered fellow Democrats by voting with Republicans on many bills and helping to elect Republican Dennis Hastert as speaker. His district was cut up in the Ohio reapportionment, and he was the only House member this year without a committee assignment.

The last time the House expelled a member was in 1980, when Rep. Michael Myers, D-Pa., was kicked out for accepting bribes from FBI agents posing as Arab sheiks trying to change immigration law.

In its 213-year history, the House has expelled just four members, including three who were charged with treason during the Civil War.


I've been watchin this guy.....he is the epitome of arrogance and all that is wrong with our government.