Gotta watch out for those South African babes


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member

Reporters doped with date rape drug

TWO foreign journalists reporting on the World Summit in Johannesburg were drugged and robbed yesterday by two prostitutes who shared a bed with them overnight.

The ladies of the night administered the date rape drug Rohypnol to the correspondents and then stole their money, cameras and cellphones as they lay comatose, said police.

One of the journalists is in hospital being treated for a Rohypnol overdose.

No arrests have been made and police have so far refused to name the men.

John Robbie, a former British Lions and Ireland rugby player, and now talk show host, said: "I somehow think they won’t be reporting the full story."

Prostitutes have gained access to the tightly guarded summit site, mainly as a result of bribing local police.


Mushroom at large
My day is made. And they can't really complain. They wanted sex, and those girls well and truely screwed them.