Couldn't Get a Hard-on


Everday People
There was a man that couln't get a hard-on. No matter what he tried nothing worked.

One day he was reading the newspaper at the kitchen table and noticed an add, about a doctor that could help you get a hard-on. Well, the man thought this was worth looking into.
So he went to this doctor.

He was sitting in the doctor's office and the doctor was explaing to him how it worked.

Doctor: "All I have to is give you a shot. Then all you do is go... 'Whoo! Whoo!' And it should get hard. Then when you want it to go down just go... 'Shhhhhhhh'! You only get 3 hard-on's."

Man: "How much does it cost?"

Doctor: "Just $100."

The man thought this was a good deal so he paid the doctor the $100. The minute he got out of the doctors office he was anxious to try it to see if it worked.

He goes... "Whoo,Whoo!" And it gets hard! Then he goes... "Shhhhhhhh". Then it gets soft.

He is so excited and anxious to get home. While he's driving home a train goes by and blows it's whistle..."Whoo, Whoo!" And it gets hard. Then the train puts it's air-brakes on and goes..."Shhhhhhhh!"

The man goes, "OH NO!" I've got only one left! I'd better get home before something happens to it.

So he hurries home, gets out of his car, runs into the house, grabs his wife's hand and said, "Come on honey lets go to bed."

They're in the bedroom getting ready to do it and he goes, "Whoo, Whoo!" And his wife goes, "Shhhhhhhh! The Kids are asleep!"