

Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
It's bad enough that events of 9/11 forced to come to Jersey City to continue my network studies. I've gotten used to that so it's not much of an issue anymore (but I do miss my old 5 min walk from my office). We were off 2 Fridays ago, due to the end of course 3 so we had no class until last Friday. We walk in and find another class in our room! we kindly informed them that we had been in this same room almost every week since the end of September.

They're like "We not leaving."

Heads came to roll, and we finally got the manager to straighten it out and kicked those losers out. We thought the matter was settled.

We get to class tonight; everyone has their laptop out waiting for six o'clock to roll around when they come back again with some other head honcho from Chubb, saying we're moving to another class. :mad:

I am now sitting in some dank corner room with my classmates sitting under a very loud and loose A/C vent and on a 10mbps network connection! :cuss:

Chubb is going to get a serious complaint letter from all of us. I didin't pay $12k+ for this kind of treatment...


Staff member
Beat the crap out of em...then take their lappys.:smash: fuckers. I am in NO mood for their shit!


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
And they're course 1's not like they had another room or something. I guess seniority doesn't mean a lot around here.

*kicks 10mbps switch*


Q said:
Beat the crap out of em...then take their lappys.:smash: fuckers. I am in NO mood for their shit!

Sorry to hear that Huge. :(

Is something going on with you Q?:confused:


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Mind you the only thing that I feel our class got shafted is in the principal of how this was handed. Their argument is since we have 3 classes a week, we should get the room. Oh and btw, we are not going to even ask you. We're just going to take it. Hence, the revenge factor tonight.

Never mind, we used to be 3 class/wk students; never mind we're refugees from NYC, never mind we had the room for over 6 months (and there are many empty classrooms; why not take one of them?) and never mind they're probably taking some loser course like Intro to Word (the class behind us, in the 6+ months we had that room, had classes of: Powerpoint, Excel and Frontpage).

I need a vacation...


Staff member
Ya know what Huge?
Today was a really bad day...reallyi bad.
put on van morrison tupelo honey
..lets chair dance?:cry:


Close the world, txEn eht nepO
your a lucky basterd,in my school, our network is so slow, it takes 10 minutes for a report to be sent to the printer 10 inches away from me, and it takes forever to send a message to a friend!!!:banghead: :screwyou:


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I feel for you Nih, but's pretty damn slow.

If someone would PM to let me know (if you want). I probably won't be able to reply until tomorrow.

And the ultimate thing about Chubb that royally pisses me off? We just got our grades back from our last course. I got a 99.80; think I got an A+? :mad:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
could this day get any shittier (with 96 minutes left, let's hope not)