Anthrax in Reno



Health officials are analyzing a letter, received by a Reno area business, that appeared suspicious. As of 3 p.m. today, the contents of the letter had tested presumptively positive for Anthrax. Tune in to News 4 at 5 for more on this developing story.

I hope this story isn't true but it comes from the local tv station in the Reno area and was on CNN tv a few minutes ago.

Let's leave this thread in the SE. I like to post a news story or two once in a while.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Brock, I think your new sig scares me more than the terrorists & the anthrax:scared:


why couldn't have been terriost. they can't fly planes into buildings anymore. so why not use the mail to kill us? it is all scarey if you ask me, but we all got to die someday. AND i hope my day is when i'm old and moldy!!!!


Staff member
Originally posted by Acid
I don't believe it was a terrorist act then :rolleyes:
You're exactly right, a disgruntled Microsoft™ Windows™ user went postal and decided to give ol' Billy a nice juicy infection where he would die a slow and horrible death. :lol:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Whether it was a member of Al Qaida or a "gone postal" former MS employee, it's still terrorism:mad: