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  1. Professur

    Now this is really weird......

    Y'know Nutty, anything can be made to say whatever you want if you're willing to twist it and squint. I can prove statistically that smokers have better odds against getting lung cancer than non smokers. The fact that those statistics are twisted completely and you have to ignore every other bit...
  2. Professur

    You guys ever watch Sponge Bob Square Pants???

    And of course they wouldn't get that impression from anywhere else, would they? Not from great computer movies like Tron, Matrix, or Johnny Nemonic. Nor would they get computer misinformed from movies like WarGames or The Net.
  3. Professur

    How hard is it to remove minor dents?

    But seriously, if you go to the autobody section at Walmart, you should be able to find a large suction cup with a handle on it. It's used to pull out dents. It actually works pretty well provided the dent hasn't stretched the metal.
  4. Professur

    funny song

    3.5M? I think I'll pass.
  5. Professur

    Picture found on camera in rubble at WTC site...

    You could at least have gotten the plane's paint job right.:rolleyes:
  6. Professur

    Plane controversy ... of another sort.

    e-mail me your address, Howie. I've a few spares.
  7. Professur

    Plane controversy ... of another sort.

    Am I the only one who thinks that howie's going bye-bye real soon?
  8. Professur

    Need someone to explain...

    Unless you're planning on giving out coasters for Christmas.
  9. Professur

    Leafs win!

    I don't play at all. My IQ's higher than that.
  10. Professur

    Leafs win!

    Fuser, you forgot some details. It's freezing. You're freezing. Your hands and feet are freezing. And the rock hard puck heading straight at you is also freezing. So is the stick you're holding. Ever clap your hands together when they're really cold? Try it some time. It hurts. A lot. Most...
  11. Professur

    Beer Question?

    It reflects more light. I love beer. Didja know that if you pour a Guiness just right, you can draw a smilie face in the foam, drink it, and the face will still be smiling up at you from the bottom of the glass? It's true, try it.
  12. Professur

    How hard is it to remove minor dents?

    Re: How hard is it to remove monor dents? A helluva lot harder than it is to put them in.:D
  13. Professur

    play it

  14. Professur

    Plane controversy ... of another sort.

    Air Canada presently charges extra for obese people needing a second seat. They claim they shouldn't be charged, because obesity is a disablility. Whaddya think? Should someone who's ass won't fit a regular airline seat be expected to pay for the extra room he/she needs? I have to pay for the...
  15. Professur

    Some folks just can't think beyond themselves

    Read this.
  16. Professur

    Just another day in the park!

    They're supposed to be. It gives better traction at low speed. What defeats me is why anyone would willingly inflict that kind of abuse on their ride home.
  17. Professur

    The Prof is in

    I'm a relocated Scot, so forget all of the Canadian shite you were thinking. I only live here.I've been here longer than I care to remember. I am happily married to my elementary school sweetheart. I have 1 beautiful daughter, and the missus is carrying No. 2. Neither of us wanted to know the...
  18. Professur


    Or you could just drag her ass in here. We don't have any sheep, so she doesn't have to be as careful about where she steps. At least, she wouldn't if you guys would stop all the wanking.
  19. Professur


    What did I say that brought that out?
  20. Professur

    For all you gun enthusiasts

    I've always been a big fan of sandblasting from the toes up.