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  1. leslie

    Happy Bityhday Pt!!!

    Happy Birthday!!! :dance: :hbd:
  2. leslie

    Make love not war!

    *is in a slutty kinda mood today, hops in bed with Nixy and Noite*
  3. leslie

    original food fight thread

    *uses her slingshot to hurtle stale rockhard Timbits at Gato*
  4. leslie

    original food fight thread

    *bitchslaps self for wearing a white shirt into this room* *retches at the thought of the Mocoto* :sick: *waits till Prof is all covered with papaya goo then drops a tin of cornstarch over his head*
  5. leslie

    original food fight thread

    *carefully aims pepperoni slices so they cover up Nixy's eyes* *lobs overripe papayas, making the floor slippery*
  6. leslie


    :eek: EEK! :eek2:
  7. leslie


    maybe we could have a seance :D
  8. leslie


    and while I'm at it, what's with all the invisible people here? :confuse3:
  9. leslie

    original food fight thread

    :scared: gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the awful childhood memories of Gramma's delicacies! :scared: *dumps blood pudding into Prof's shoes when he's not looking* *drops a jellied tongue down his back and runs away*
  10. leslie


    :hmm: :D
  11. leslie

    original food fight thread

    *catapults ladlefuls of coagulated gravy at the retreating Nixy while trying not to hurl at the thought of tripe*
  12. leslie


    There, I said it! :smash: *feels better now*
  13. leslie

    original food fight thread

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! *chokes* *runs away waving white flag*
  14. leslie

    Proper instructions against terrorism

    :laugh: that's freaking GREAT!!! :lol: good one, Noite!:beerchug:
  15. leslie


    down there... there's one in the subway I always hit, at Yonge and Eg if I recall right :D I get off the train just for that LOL
  16. leslie


    Tronno's easier I think than Markham... I nevergo there :/
  17. leslie


    I'd guess in TO, about 45 away, unless there's one here I haven't found yet...
  18. leslie

    Happy Birthday Aunty!!!

    Happy happy birthday!!! :hbd:
  19. leslie


    OH MY GOD!!! :eek:
  20. leslie


    I knew it started with L, just didn't know the rest :D