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  1. dimme

    I need an aka

    hehe, my aka wasn't too hard to figure out :D It's temporary though until i come up with something else <-----------------------
  2. dimme

    Outlaw's breakfast cereal...

    ROFL :D :D :D
  3. dimme

    Isn't overclocking great?

    Oh yeah, I love overclocking, too :) AMD deserves some respect for their prices :)
  4. dimme


    The side menu is pretty damn cool and practical. Very nice job. :)
  5. dimme

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hi Toolbox and welcome to the boards. It's very nice indeed :)
  6. dimme

    What was the XiBase ICQ Activelist number again??

    I lost it after a format. :( and now I want it back :p
  7. dimme

    People says Dues Ex is good

    The first time I installed Deus Ex was on my k6-2 system, it was choppy as hell, especially at 1600x1200 :p. I hated it, uninstalled it installed it yesterday on my duron-system, hated it, too complicated and boring.
  8. dimme

    Call me "behind the times" but...

    It came from me :). Made it up in a chat long long time ago and somehow it managed to leave a big uneraseable trace in many peoples heads :)
  9. dimme

    Finally got a job, after a long time!!!!!!!!!!!

    The only problem is that I will only work for 2.5-3 weeks, still better than nothing. so no money for GF3. :(
  10. dimme

    Finally got a job, after a long time!!!!!!!!!!!

    Unfortunately, it's not a very funny job. I have to walk an old lady's dog, a little poodle 3 times a day, which makes me have to go to her place (20 minutes bus-train ride), walk the dog and then go home. This I have to do 3 times a day. I was desperate, needed a job, besides, she's paying $110...
  11. dimme

    hey! im member #69

    &lt;------------ Oh there it is :D :D #64
  12. dimme

    hey! im member #69

    I forgot to check what member # I was :( :( :(
  13. dimme

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome to the boards Dark Angel :)
  14. dimme

    I still love my Voodoo5 5500

    Well I certainly don't love my Voodoo3 2000 any more. :(