Search results

  1. Gonzo

    You guys still out there?

    Checking in, once in a while
  2. Gonzo

    This seems fitting

    Nada. Haven't been here is ages, and I saw this article & figured, there was o better place to post it. Howya been Huge?
  3. Gonzo

    This seems fitting

    Two new particles have been discovered & the name fits
  4. Gonzo

    Who Let The Dogs Out!
  5. Gonzo

    Time for a change?

    Have at it. What's with Jelsoft? What do they mean you don't own the software?
  6. Gonzo

    What are the temps around your place?

    82 on Labor Day 65 two days ago. Falls a'coming
  7. Gonzo

    I got a job!

    Not only a job but a job that fits his expertise. Congrats kiddo. (guess that no longer applies, huh?)
  8. Gonzo


    Only in memory.... :shrug:
  9. Gonzo

    What are the temps around your place?

    We just got about 3" of snow (laughing at teh eastern seaboard getting 3') 27F here
  10. Gonzo

    New look?

    Great theory...too bad the monitor is 2 years old.
  11. Gonzo

    New look?

    It was 5 years at Christmas...
  12. Gonzo

    New look?

    I wasn't wearing 'em :p It still looks a bit cleaner than it has in awhile :shrug:
  13. Gonzo

    New look?

    alright smartasses...yea, my vision has taken a sudden & dramatic turn for the worse (from eagle eye to needing readers in less than a year) but the tabs (holding User CP, FAQ, Members List, etc) seems sharper & more pronounced recently. :bigtard:
  14. Gonzo

    New look?

    Did my sharpness just increase or it here a new look to the site? (update?)
  15. Gonzo

    Where in the world...

    'specially Bolivia
  16. Gonzo

    Am I the only one who hates fricking WinVista?

    I've been running Home Premium 64 for almost a year & have great results. The only driver that I couldn't find was our printer & Epson was not going to support Vista nor 64bit on it anyway. I've been pleasantly surprised.
  17. Gonzo


    (throw random tomato here)
  18. Gonzo


    tally ho :mischief:
  19. Gonzo

    Fl has gone too far

    Yea, right
  20. Gonzo


    (insert Appropriate Response Here)